Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sacral Chakra Integration

The Sacral chakra is the energy vortex for your emotions. This is the home of creativity and your sexual energy center. This chakra implant manifests your reality through your emotions. Integrating and balancing this chakras energy allows for a fuller and more controlled reality. 

The sacral chakra is one of the easiest for the powers controlling us to take over. People emotions are controlled all the time by them. You watch a movie and are so into the story you feel the emotions of the movie. Or you watch the news and feel the emotion the reporter is trying to make you feel. For empaths this is even worse. Since our emotions are not our own. We are always manifesting for others through the emotions we pick up. Controlling the emotions and finding a balance is key to integrating this chakra. 

Being creative in all areas in life greatly assists you in integration. Be careful that your personal creativity is not being high jacked by the social normal. Ask yourself are you dressing a that way because you like it or because everyone around you is? Do you paint the landscapes because you like to or because it is more normal them the abstract pieces in your mind. Speak, think, do everything that is in alignment with your truth. 

That brings us to sexual energy. This energy is far more powerful then you could imagine. Yet we spend our lives hiding away this energy or putting it out there for all to see. There needs to be a balance here. What you are thinking will this energy builds you are giving manifestation power to. What you are thinking at the peak and release of this energy will have even more power behind it to manifest. This can be an amazing tool to manifest and it can be your downfall. If you are perhaps thinking negative thoughts you will manifest these thoughts into experiences. 

To best use this chakra integration grid at the top you should look at it and try to see yourself within the middle. See the grid becoming 3rd dimensional around you. Close your eyes at anytime and just sit in this space. If the image moves or changes shape it is fine. It is changing to match a frequency that better matches your vibrational state at that point in time. You may receive information on how you need to take action to better integrate the chakra energy. 

This grid also protects your chakra from being high jacked by negative beings. This gives you better control over your manifestation through this chakra. 

The frequency grid at the top of the page is sample of an oracle card that will be in my Integration Oracle Deck. The deck is not finished yet, but to be on the list to be notified when it is finished you can email me at awakenedrabbit@gmail.

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