Antarian Healing Oracle

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Energetic Blocks

Energetic Blocks

All Energy Healing systems talk about energy blocks and the importance of removing them. They don’t really tell you much else about them or how tricky they really are. You as a healer can move the block along, but you cannot alone get rid of them for good. Why? Because almost all blocks are emotional. We as a society are trained not to feel. Emotions makes you weak they say. All of these unexpressed emotions build up. Where do the go? Your energy channels.

We have emotional programs running in the background of our lives. These are mostly subconscious programs call the inner child and your shadows. These are repressed traumas and emotions that build up in your energy channels. In order to truly clear a block you will need to clear the cause. This involves feeling your emotions. Allowing the hurt out. And most importantly forgiveness of self and of the situation.

Why is it even necessary to heal blocks? The short answer is blocks eventually cause health issues. Cancer is mostly cause by trauma you refuse to see and deal with. You keep it locked away. It tries to come up, but you push it back down. You have turned your back on your inner feelings so it turns your cell into cancer. Great heart ache will of course cause heart issues. Stress causes stomach issues. And so on.

Emotions cause more health issue then food does.. It’s more how you feel about the food that causes issues. Like weight gain is caused more by the guilt of eating the foods you eat or in eating period. That on top of the negative self talk adds up to a lot of manifested weight. The more you think a food will make you fat the more it will. The more you say your fat the more you will be. Physical reality follows emotions. The more you focus on something the more of that you will see.

Remote Viewing

A little from my newest course.

Remote viewing

Remote viewing is looking at something or somewhere with your eyes closed. This is the viewing of something in the next room or across the world, in this timeline it others, in this dimension or others.

A lot of systems will complicate things and say you need to open your third eye chakra first before you can do this. So we are going to quickly explain what the third eye is and how we use it. There is so much information out there that really takes you in circles on this and many esoteric subjects. Here is the real straight deal. To use the third eye you use your imagination….

Think about it we are being controlled and suppressed. The one thing that could allow us to see the controllers for who they are is the one thing everyone is having problems with. The imagination is the one thing we are taught is not real. The one thing we are taught to suppress. Kids see beings and auras then they are told they are not real and they stop seeing them. When I was a kid I saw auras and we’re told they were not real so I stopped. Not it is proven they are real.

 You need to be careful what information you regard as true. Most is filled with partial truths, but it is hard to know what the actual truth is. I say to you experiment with all that you learn. See if it rings true, see if you can get results. Even if you are doing something that is not fully true you are still learning. But please don’t stick to any one way. Becoming stuck and stagnant in a way will limit you considerably.
Back to how to use the third eye (imagination). First you must understand we are Creator beings. What we say is happening is happening. You create your own reality. Now if you don’t truly believe that this will be a lot harder then it has to be. Next you must know there is no limit to what you can do or see.

The trick is to imagine the thing you want to see. Let’s say you want to go to the pyramids. See the pyramids, feel the stone and sand, feel the sand hit your face as the breeze blows by, smell the dusty sand, feel the hot sun on your skin… make this real as real as you can. Know you are there.

It goes on to explain how to use remote Viewing in healing. To see all of my courses go here

Thursday, October 19, 2017

9 veils of illusion

This is about the 9 veils of illusion. Or as I like to call it the path of Awakening. Follow along and see how far you are.

Veil #1

Realization of the corruption in the government. The illusion of choice that we have. Politics/ religion / media are here to keep us divided. Realizing we are enslaved and poisoned daily. The knowledge of this is the only thing that starts to free you.

Veil #2

Explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law.

Basically see that the history we know is not how it went down. So we start to explore this history. How it effects our government and so on.

This is often mixed in with the first veil. Since in researching that you run across history.

Veil #3

Mixed in with the research of veils #1 and #2 you will conclusively find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the entire world´s economy is currently indebted.

Pretty much there are a few families that run the world. Once you see this you can now step back and see why things happen they way they do.

Veil #4

To discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth.

Ties into #3. Everyone has heard to these, but few know what they are doing. They have technology far more advanced than us. Be open and do your research.

Veil #5

To learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the very thoughts and even the very actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. As in the days of Noah, this technology is even creating synthetic life forms, as man seeks to displace God.

Ties into the research of #4. Have I lost you yet? It's ok keep learning and growing. Dont get stuck in any one veil. If you still following let's keep going.

Veil #6

Realize the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional are real. They are the controlling forces behind the secret societies.

Veil #7

Learning of fractal geometry and the universal law of numbers will be understood. Seeing the universe is linked to numerical code formulas and sequences. Knowledge of all fabric of time, space, parallel universes, and access is unlocked.

Buckle up buttercup this is where it gets fun.

Veil #8

God and love in everything. We are one realization.

Veill #9 and the last one

Perfecting the we are one and pure energy of love and thereby becoming truly one with God. Getting full understanding of the universal plan of sacrifice, death, and redemption.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What are Entities?

What are entities?

Image result for entity
Entities are non physical energies that are around us all the time. They are like a parasite feeding off our life force energy, prana, chi, or whatever you want to call it. Most people are unaware of these energies that are around us all the time. There are some that are called forth to attach to you for different reasons these are lower dimensional energies. You can also attract these guys from doing spiritual work. They are attracted to your light, their energy source. PROTECT YOURSELF! Most of the time these are energies are lower emotional energies that have happened upon you.
They is a very large number of them here do to numerous reasons. One big reason is the proper clearing and cremating of bodies after death is not done anymore. This needed to be done to help move the soul where it needs to go and stop the entities from forming due to the astral body breaking down. This is natural in the death process. The astral body gathers emotional scars that crystallize in the astral body. These become our negative personality traits. Most of the crystals will be reabsorbed into the astral realms. The big pieces however can remain and these become a lot of the entities we encounter.

The entities though not having their own soul they do contain part of the person's soul and can live on. This is a freewill planet. So if a part of your energy wants to remain somewhere it can. As you can see from everyday life a lot of things are allowed here. The thing is these entities are no longer attached to a being and need a energy source somehow or they will be reabsorbed. They need the energy that flows through beings... Prana, chi, whatever you want to call it. As we know from energy healing this substance runs more abundantly within us. So we will find many entities within the physical body. They can be attached to the physical body as well.

These entities choose host bodies based on the type of emotional energy it has. They want a host that has the same emotions that created it. A lot of times they will choose a family member of the person the has passed. The host will most likely have weak energy. This makes it easier to get inside of them. The weaker your energy is the easier it is for them to get inside. If your energy is weak it is not very will protected.

As for the other types of entities these can be found on any of our bodies. Mostly these entities are attached to the 4th and 5th dimensional bodies. Their purpose is not to stay alive as the other entities are. They are either sent to you from someone or you picked them up during spiritual work. The ones sent to you are there to cause harm or distort something in you. This is really a big area because it depends what the person wants them to do. Whatever they are there for they will feed off your life force energy. The ones you pick up spotted you are said, "hey this being looks like a unprotected juicy snack."