Antarian Healing Oracle

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Saboteur Archetype Integration

The saboteur archetype program is to me very annoying. This program triggers self destructive behavior. Again this is a archetype that we all have running somewhere in our lives. It's that annoying thing that makes us mess up time and time again in a certain area of our life. 

This program is related to the ego program as well. It causes self esteem issues and fears by always making us sabotage our lives. By doing this is blocks empowerment of self and success in life. This archetype can also trigger a desire to undermine others to make ourselves feel better. 

See where you are sabotaging your own life. Is it your creativity, job, relationship, family... find its home and consciously start to change it. 

To best use this integration grid at the top you should look at it and try to see yourself within the middle. See the grid becoming 3rd dimensional around you. Close your eyes at anytime and just sit in this space. If the image moves or changes shape it is fine. It is changing to match a frequency that better matches your vibrational state at that point in time. You may receive information on how you need to take action to better integrate the archetype energy.

The frequency grid at the top of the page is sample of an oracle card that will be in my Integration Oracle Deck. The deck is not finished yet, but to be on the list to be notified when it is finished you can email me at awakenedrabbit@gmail.

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