Antarian Healing Oracle

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Empath Teaching #2 Release

Stepping into your Empath Power part 2

In the world today it is the norm to hold your emotions in. We push them so deep down that we cause disease in the body. Most illness is caused by emotions not being taking care of. Those who release emotions are viewed as unstable to society. We teach our kids the proper thing to do is calm down and push those feelings inside. Because who really wants that child screaming in the store and making a scene? Kids have it right though they deal with their emotions right as they come up and then they are over it. This my friends is healthy.

So should we go around like a 2 year old having fit after fit? No. We should however, deal with our emotions as they come up. Sometimes this dealing with the emotion is a release of yelling or crying. We need to start to allow this to happen without worrying about what someone will think. When you start to notice your emotions and deal with them your going to have moments of release.

 As an empath you are able to know others emotions. You can be a go between with someones conscious mind and subconscious mind. With this you can assist others in working with their emotions. Most people if you ask them why they are in a bad mood they have no clue, "it's just a bad day". You can get in there and know what is happening. You can feel the build up of emotions and offer a safe place for release. Asking the right questions to bring this release to the surface.

Creating a safe space

You being an empath have a wonderful natural gift of making others feel safe. Because subconsciously they know you can feel their emotions. Allow a calm environment free of distractions. Keep your ego in check. When the release starts lashing out could be aimed towards you. It is important not to ego your ego lash out as well.

Forms of release

  • Anger- lashing out at others in a destructive way. It is best for this release to give space. Perhaps a punching bag or pillow to beat on. They will calm themselves down. This is the ego very fired up it often happens when one feels disrespected. Then you can talk the emotion out.
  • Yelling- a less serious form a release. This form has great potential for them working this emotion out themselves. This is the ego talking they could listen to this and see how silly it sounds. Afterwards try to talk the emotion out.
  • Crying-  This is the ego telling storied and showing memories. It is best to cry as much as possible then talk the emotion out.
  • Journal- write the feeling out. Getting the feelings down, but not directed at anyone is a wonderful way to release.
  • Art- sometimes drawing, painting, or working with clay could really allow the feelings to release in a very amazing way.
  • Sing- do not ever under play the amazing effects of singing the anger out. First start with a song that matches your mood. Anger, sad... sing it!! maybe a few times. Then move slowly to songs of a more and more happier mood. Creation of a few play list is advised.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Empath Teaching #1 Being Independent

 Stepping into your Empath Power part 1

As an empath I have reached a level of control that I can just know others emotions instead of having to feel them. You can reach this level too by following some of my other writings on empaths. Basically you have to allow yourself to feel everything. As hard as it is you have to feel it and start to notice your emotions from others. Asking yourself a lot is this my feeling or someone else's? Time to yourself is also important to know your emotional state. After awhile of getting to know the difference of your emotions and others the feeling of their emotions fades into a knowing. At this point we can teach others how to feel. That is one reason we are here. Others need to know it is ok to feel their emotions. More importantly they need to learn how to feel their emotions and how to get control of themselves.

I am in constant observation of others feelings. The number one thing I have noticed is people give their power away to everyone. They do this by allowing another to control their emotions. Constantly worried about what others think or feel about them. Worried if they are right or wrong and how others will react to this. This is done on a subconscious level and has its roots deep in the ego. 

First we will talk about the ego. The ego is a subconscious program that is like an over barring mother. It does what it thinks is best for you, but really is trying to control your life. This program gets its information on how you should behave, think, and act from many sources. The tv, social interaction, books, and of course karmic programming all play a part in this ego program.

The ego is to blame for all of our guilt, shame, sadness, anger, fear... The ego looks at a situations as either good or bad. It is is bad it will start to play stories in your head. The ego can even make you see reality as an exaggeration.

Example: A couple is laying in bed. One person has an overactive ego the other has been working to control the ego. The one with a little more control has a itch and moves their leg to itch. The one with an overactive ego has had ego chatter about out there lover doesn't want to be near them. They then  literally sees this as the person yanking their leg away form them. The ego them goes into action telling stories and altering memories to support the feels of the other not wanting to be around them.

The ego will keep you in this low vibrational state until you choose to stop listening to its chatter. Now the ego program is like most programs we run and wants to stay running. This is its job, to keep us living unconsciously. Our job is to start to live consciously. In doing this we need to get control of our ego. We need to talk things out with others. We need to question the ego chatter. Going back to the example above it the one with the overactive ego asks the right questions or states things in a healthy manner, meaning no blame towards the other, they can come to see what is actually happening. The two can explain their actions and control the ego. Remembering the reality is different for everyone and is seen form your personal vibrational state.

The ego in this situation is keeping this person in a dependent state. The ego is making the person think that if their lover doesn't want to be around or touched by them then they are worthless. This couldn't be farther from the truth the person lived without them until they got together and the person will if there is a break up. The ego doesn't want them to see this truth though. The ego will keep running this dependent program until it is consciously recognized and dealt with. The person has to step into their own power. They are the only person the need, others are great, but do not define who them.

Living on a Giants Thumbnail


A memory has popped up many times over the years. I was unsure why as it seems very insignificant. As I studied more on all esoteric subjects I see how this seemingly insignificant memory is not at all. This memory has great truth behind it...

In the 8th grade we were having a class debate about the universe, mainly how it was made. This kid that sat next to me known for his out of the box thinking had an idea of what was happening. He said, " what if we are all living on a giants thumbnail?" An odd idea back in the dark ages as my kids call it. I would love to pick this kids mind now. To see if he remembers this thought and if he still believes it. For he is on the right track of what is really going on.

How dose this kid's view of the universe actually on the right track? The short answer is as above so below. We have little beings living within us and we are living on a being within a being...

Let me explain a little further. First I will explain the below because it is easier to wrap your head around. We have bacteria and viruses within and on us at all times. Now if these beings are conscious or not I really can't say. But let me say this if a spirit wanted to have an experience of being a fish they could. This would then make that fish a conscious being. Is this fish acting as a conscious being I don't know. And in reality it doesn't matter because most people are not acting as conscious being either. My point is if a spirit wanted to be a bacteria it could. If that bacteria was on your thumb nail it would be living on a giants thumb nail. From its point of view, of course.

Next lets start to explore the above. We are living on a conscious planet. The planet is a spirit wanting to have the experience of being a planet. The spirit embodies the planet the same way our spirit embodies the human. The physical planet and the human body are just machines the spirit uses to have an experience. So we are actually living on a giant. This giant doesn't have a human look, but it is a conscious being much bigger then we are. We can go above much more to the solar system which we live within. The sun controller of the solar system has a consciousness. Go out more and the central sun the controller of the galaxy has a consciousness. Go out more and the great central sun the controller of the universe has a consciousness. I will just point out that it is at this consciousness that most consider God/Source. It does, however go mush farther then this.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

DNA Healing/Activation Grid

This grid was channeled while I was healing someone's DNA. It is for healing and activation of the 12 strands of DNA. The 12 strands of DNA are divided in 6 pairs. Each colored DNA strand represents one of the pairs. Red- is physical, orange- emotional, yellow- mental, green- soul, pink- soul cluster, and purple- all of creation. Then image in the center of the pyramid is a light code for DNA healing. The pyramid is a very high vibrational healing shape. It also has a direct connection to Source.  

In using this for healing all one must really do is look at it or meditate with it. The healing can be guided by asking for an illness to be healed or to receive an activation. Otherwise the grid will do what is best for your path in your highest good. This is also can be used as a crystal grid, visualized in healings, placed on someone in healings... The sky is the limit.



This type of healing works with the DNA. The DNA effects our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual make up. This energy impacts our conscious and subconscious minds creating belief systems. These belief systems create our reality that we see. Reality is created from the inside out for each person. As we learn and grow our experiences can be so powerful that our DNA alters. This can be on a positive note where you no longer suffer from an illness. Or on a negative note where you suffer from more illness. It can open new talents you never knew you had like healing. Or it can close the doors to talents. 

In DNA healing we can find these negative beliefs, limiting patterns, old outdated programs and open the door to healing. This allows these thoughts, emotions, and patterns to come to the surface so we can heal them. We should view them and then let them go. Making a conscious effort to reprogram our DNA by saying, " I don't want to be like that anymore." It is however up to the person being healed to stand in their power and make a change. We can start the process, but they must keep it going. 

This is why I often record a healing session for the client. Then they can listen to it and hinder the slip back into old patterns. It normally takes 21 days to form a new habit so I tell them to listen everyday for 21 days. At the end of 21 days the changes for a new life and all the healing should have taken place. Of course we are ever growing so more healing may be desired.  

A Few Basic Benefits: 
 · Free yourself from limiting or harmful beliefs 
 · End behaviors that are not good for you 
 · Change negative trends in relationship 
 · Support life changes or transitions 
 · Relieve chronic pain and improve health 

Learn How