Antarian Healing Oracle

Friday, June 24, 2016

Law of Attraction

We unconsciously transmit vibrations to the universe. With those vibrations we invoke the law of attraction which brings us people and situations that match those vibrations. Negative traits in our personality will be traits in people we attract. And the same with positive traits.

Our bodies will mirror our inner feelings. Often inner feelings are reflected in the way we build our bodies.

  • Anything on the right side of the body reflects masculine aspects, the future, or career.
  • The left reflects feminine aspects, the past, or home life.
  • If we are emotionally or sexually vulnerable we may have fat over the hips and abdomen.
  • If you feel un-loveable a woman may have a big chest. Men may have a muscular chest.

Our deep down beliefs attract situations and people to us as well. If you believe you are unworthy of love you will attract people and situations to you that reflect that. Most of my teen years and twenties I spent thinking deep down that I did not want true love. My parents had the perfect kind of love... the love everyone longs for. My mom died when I was a child. I watched and felt my dad suffer (I'm an empath) the rest of his life 21 years. He longed for her and knew no one could ever making him feel the same. The more I felt his deep pain the more I decided I did not want this true love because the pain that came with a loss of that love was to much to take. So I attracted meaningless relationships where I never felt truly loved. When I started my awakening and clearing out blocks and ran into my twin flame I started to forget this not wanting pain. I started to want love and started to attract that instead.

We create all that we see and encounter. If your life is out of wack it is because you are sending a vibration out to the universe that is making you attract bad things. You need to look inside and change your beliefs.

Helpful Links

Soul Star Chakra

The Soul Star chakra is the gateway between your soul and your earth-bound personally. This is the record room for your soul's contract. With this chakra you can unlock your life purpose. You can also clear karmic residue.

Upon activating this chakra your spiritual gifts are enhance. You also start to gain a full understanding that each soul is on a journey and that we all play a role in this interconnected community. In this knowledge you can't help but to express unconditional love. At this point spiritual energy and divine love enter the body.

The Soul Star chakra or the Seat of the Soul, as it is also known, is about a hands width above the head and can be up to 2 feet above the head. Normally this chakra is white mixed with magenta and violet.
Chakras on the Body
Indigo kyanite, clear quartz, sugilite,amethyst, charoite, phenacite, and selenite.

Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Mariel, Archangel Butyalil will all assist you in activating the Soul Star chakra. Archangel Butyalil is the universal angel who controls the cosmic energies. Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Mariel are in control of the Soul Star chakra. Also your higher self can of course help.

Imagine Archangel Butyalil, Archangel Zadkiel, and Archangel Mariel holding an orb with pure white, magenta, and violet light. This orb transmits the divine rays to your Soul Star chakra and removing the karmic residues stored there.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Earth Star Chakra

°10th Earth Star Chakra ~ The connection to crystalline Mother Earth:
The Earth Star chakra is known as the sub-personal chakra and super root. Located 12-18 inches below the foot chakras. The colors associated with this chakra are brown and black.

This is the grounding point for the whole chakra system. This chakra also keeps the karma cycles and past lives. It aligns you with the magnetic core of the Earth. It is related to the very foundation of your being within everyday life. This your anchor into physicality. And it secures your aura in the physical world.

As you work with the higher chakras it is very easy to become ungrounded. When the Earth Star chakra is activated you stay grounded longer. Through this chakra you can discharge negative energy into the Earth and draw in divine energy from the Earth. This is a must activate chakra for empaths and all energy workers.

Balanced Earth Star Chakra
Connects to inner peace, see wider perspective in situations, grounded, connection to mother Earth.

Unbalanced Earth Star Chakra
Blood circulation issues, eating disorders, ungrounded, constant fear.

Archangel Sandalphon 
Is involved in our existence here on Earth and can assist in keeping you grounded and to activate your Earth Star chakra.

Black kyanite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, chiastolite, rainbow quartz, hematite, Dalmatian jasper, fire agate, red jasper.

Basic Meditation
Visualize roots coming from your Earth Star chakra. Visualize the roots going down deep into the Earth. Through the many layers of the Earth, past the crystal caves, to the crystal core of the Earth. Connect the roots to the crystal core. Visualize a white light coming up the roots. When the white light hits the Earth Star chakra see it lighting up. Feel the energy. See and feel the energy going up through your feet, legs, and root chakra. Bring the white light up through all the chakras. See and feel everyone of the chakras lighting up as the white light goes throught them. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Law of Attachment

cut energy cords
When you are attached to someone or something you form a energy cord from you to that thing. These cords are very draining to both parties. If not dissolved these cords will stay attached from lifetime to lifetime.

Cords are also formed from negative thoughts of others. If you think something bad about someone you form a cord to them. Through forgiveness these cords can be dissolved. Which is wise because with every nasty thought you give away your energy to them.
In relationships cords can be formed when neediness come into play. You form a cord to your partner and sucking their energy. This causes all kinds of relationship issues. Often the result is breaking up or a dysfunctional relationship. Conditional love is also a result of cords.

Families are often tangled in cords. Many of the cords are because of conditional love and co-dependency. Shame, guilt, and anger bind you to the memories of the past and strengthen the cords. Forgiveness and unconditional love dissolves the cords.

The most powerful way to release the attachment cords are through intention, visualization, and unconditional love for yourself and others. Archangel Michael is good at assisting. 
Archangel Michael meditation for cord cutting

Law of Projection

We project our feelings either positive or negative on to others. We assume these feelings are within them and often deny they are within us. We project out our inner world and others reflect it back.

If you express your anger passively you will project that anger out into the world. When you do this you see anger where it isn't. You will also see and think everyone is out to get you. This is done on an unconscious level. Mainly aspects or feeling you try to hid are going to be projected onto others so you may see them and deal with them.

My youngest son came home one day from school and told me some kids were calling him stupid and saying he can't do anything right. Knowing that my son is very sensitive and hard on himself, since he is a Pisces, mixed with empathetic energy I was picking up on I knew this was a projection. I asked him if he felt stupid and if he felt he wasn't doing things right. He admitted he did feel stupid that it took him a few tries to get it right. I explained projection to him and also said since he knows what he is doing he will rock it next time. The kids left him alone the next day.

People also will project using words. Saying "that person is a cheater" when they are the cheater. We recognize aspects in others because they are in ourselves.

It is important that we ask ourselves is this my feeling or someone else's? Did I really mean that the way they took it? Or was I just reflecting what they were projecting? This game of life is very complex, but once you start paying attention and asking questions things start to make sense. Finally you can start to decode others action.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Law of Reflection

The universe sends us people and situations that mirror aspects of ourselves. Every person you come in contact with is a mirror of you I some negative or positive way. You know that person in your life that does that thing that really bugs you? This is your soul trying to draw your attention to an aspect of yourself you need to work on. If more then 3 people are doing it then your soul is screaming at you to notice. Once you do notice and take steps to one accept this part of you and/or heal it people will stop acting that way.

This amazing school of life always gives us situations and people that are a mirror of your inner world. So if life is hard right now look inside yourself and change into a more positive person. Life will get better because as you change the inner world the outer will reflect it back to you. Start out small say 1 positive thing to yourself in the mirror every morning. This builds your confidence and sets your day in a positive way. Also do or say 1 nice thing to someone everyday. These things will come back to you times 3. Slowly increase these maybe once a week or more if you wish. Start to take note of reoccurring aspects in others and situations. These are the major things you should start to work on.

This is where shadow work comes in handy. Caution you must be able to be completely raw and honest with yourself. The shadow self is parts of you that you suppress. To get you started check out these links:
  • shadow work Teal Swan
  • more shadow work Teal Swan
  • shadow work vs positive focus
  • judgement exercise
Also inner child work can help too. Check out these links:

  • inner child meditation
  • healing inner child
  • inner child

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Law of Resistance

Many people call on the law of resistance without even consciously knowing. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference between negative and positive. It doesn't recognize don't, wont, can't, not... and so on. For example if you are thinking "I don't want to get cancer. I will do this and that and not get cancer." Your subconscious is hearing "I want to get cancer. I will do this and that and get cancer." This is your resistance to cancer actually causing you to get cancer.

If you view yourself as a victim you will also invoke the law of resistance. Quickly a victim is anyone who blames someone else for their own issues. You are then in resistance to your own personal power of being the creator of your reality. This may be hard to accept, but everything and I mean everything that happens to you is something you created. This is either by your thoughts and actions or on a soul level for experience and lessons. This is especially hard to handle when something really awful happens. You must accept responsibility without blaming yourself. We must stay in a neutral state of mind, in a state of allowing. Look at whatever happens as a lesson or experience and MOVE ON.

Every time you stress out about something you create resistance to what you want. Say you went to an interview for a job and are waiting to here if you got the job. If you spend the whole time worried about it and replaying everything you think you did wrong you are creating resistance to that job. You need to let go and go with the flow. Stop worrying and stressing yourself out. 

Meditation is excellent for being in a state of allowing. You are making the ego stay quite and are able to listen to your intuitive guidance and taking inspired action. Develop your personal power through meditation and allow your true power to emerge. Meditation helps you release attachment, and flow freely through life.

A fun meditation is to see yourself at a pond with a rocky shore. Pick up the rocks think of a worry and throw it into pond. Do this with each worry. Or you could put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and forgive yourself for whatever wrong you are worried you did. Forgiveness of yourself is so very important. Often we replay what we did wrong over and over in our heads making ourselves feel like we can't do anything right. 
Helpful links
  • Resistance
  • Meditation to release resistance
  • Allowing
  • Creating reality