Antarian Healing Oracle

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Troublesome 4th dimensional beings

This picture is similar to what an Elm looks like, but is just a random picture I found. 

Within our house we also have troublesome creatures my son calls Elms. He has been able to see them since he was 2 years old, he is now 10. I cannot see them in this dimension. But when I view from other dimensions I can see them whispering in people ears.

It started out as just one Elm. It  was playful at first, but turned scary pretty fast. It would sit on top of the tv and make him laugh and laugh. He would play hide and seek with it. Often it went everywhere with him. One day he became very scared of it. Years later he told me he tried to pet it and it scratch him. He did have many unexplained scratches.

My son says they are cat like, fury, and sit around the bed at night, they scratch you with big claws. I got rid of the original one with a house cleansing. Since then more have came. We moved last summer and they followed us. When they are more active the fairy's disappear.  (We also have fairy's in this new house).

It is my knowing now that they are 4th dimensional beings feeding off negativity. They are attracted to the amount of anger within the house. My son has a lot of anger at times as well as others in the house. The Elms are more active during more angry times.

They also influence behavior of people. From what I know and see they whisper in the person's ear creating what the person thinks are their own thoughts.... Negative thoughts. Creating more negativity. They are found in areas of the house that negative energy is mostly expressed. They also mess with electrical things. Often I hear the messing with wires at night. They will turn the TV on and off. They hide things from you.

It is my personal experience that if you have the right shielding and your vibration is high enough they can touch you. My son says they are scared of me. They should be too I am not in the business of chasing these guys off anymore. I'm in it to transmute them back into light.

This week I will be testing many grids I made against these guys. They seem to be immune yo the house clearings now. So I'm going to up my game. I have ones to protect the house from infestation and ones to transmute them into light.

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