Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Removing Entities From Home

Yesterday I set out to remove all Elms (4th dimensional entities) from my house. If you have no clue what they are please read my post on troublesome 4th dimensional beings. This was a rather simple process to channel/remember the procedure from past lifetimes. I came in this lifetime with the exosist archetype which means I have done this work in past lifetimes (we are all here remembering what we have learned over lifetimes. We are not here to learn new skills). So I linked in to those lifetimes channeled the necessary information for this type of clearing and went to work.

First I needed the some power symbols (grids), those came to me quickly. I had many of them. After connecting deeper  intuitively I knew the best ones for this case. The 9 are shown here. (While writing this article I realized I had chosen 9 grids. No more and no less would have worked. Number 9 meaning that it is time to end a phase, situation or relationship that is no longer serving you in a positive way. There is no such thing as accidents.)

Grid meanings

Starting from the top left to right the meanings and how I used them in this clearing.

1. Banishing ward used in the first clearing wave.

2. Asking spirits to leave used in first clearing wave.

3. Banishing and transmutting used in the second clearing wave.

4. Banishing and transmutting used in the second clearing wave.

5. Protection from negative entities used to sit on.

6. Stopping negative entities from entering used on doors.

7. Binding entities and energy used in third clearing wave.

8. Binding entities and energy used in third clearing wave.

9. Stopping negative entities from entering used on windows.

Calling in energy

My procedure goes something like this. If you have a way of Energy Healing already use that.

1. Connection to my God self (this is the higher self). Pulling this self within the heart center. Expanding the God self to all cells and energy field. Bringing in as much energy as the body can handle. (This provides a clear channel for energy to flow.)

2. Connection to Earth. See roots of life deep
down into the Earth pull her energy up, including energy of all the crystals on Earth. Bringing in as much as your body can handle. (This grounds your energy lessening the effects of bring in high vibrational energy.)

3. See Source light coming down in and around your body forming protection and increasing Energy. Bringing in as much as your body can handle. (This protects you from beings that are attracted to your light.)


1. Make sure your grids are handy where you can touch or see them. You can also use crystals on them if you want. I set mine up like this with some crystals. (Smokey quartz, rose quartz, lapis, and selenite around me in a circle. Then black tourmaline to hold and a selenite wand.) These are totally optional. Look up what crystals would be best out of your collection or print some off. Remember crystal Energy is transferred through pictures.

2. If you are in a crystal circle activate them now (by touching each one and thinking on). Sit on the protection grid.  Get your Energy Healing activated either by my method above or your own.

3. Start wave one clearing. Using these grids. This is done by touching the grids and asking the entities to leave. Try to see/feel/know if they have left. If they have skip down to protecting the house. If not keep going.

4. Start wave two clearing. Using these grids. Touch the grids and ask them to return to the light of source. You are transmutting them to light, assisting them to return to unconditional love by their choice. Try to see/feel/know if they have transmuted If they have skip down to protecting the house. If not keep going.

5. Start wave three clearing. Using these grids. Touch the grids. In this wave you are forcing them out of your house. You have tried to be nice and now you are binding them up and turning them over to source. Source will either assist them in transmutting or place them somewhere they are not going to hurt others. Try to see/feel/know they are being binded and returned to Source.

Home Protection

Place these grids on the doors and windows of your home. You may place one or both. I used crystals on mine just to bang it up a little.


Entities can and will mess with you during this clearing. I lost many grids off my phone before printing them. I lost physical grids. They kept putting cloaks over things so I couldn't see them. Numerous crystals went missing. And my water spilled on my selenite (they dissolve in water). Though it took me 2 hours to set up, grid my crystals, and do the Clearing I didn't let them bother me. You have to stay unaffected by their tricks. I would say something like "very funny now give me my ..." Just stand in your power as a powerful creator being and they can't touch you. You are a master at manifesting, this is your birth right. Claim it and take your space back. 

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