This is the grounding point for the whole chakra system. This chakra also keeps the karma cycles and past lives. It aligns you with the magnetic core of the Earth. It is related to the very foundation of your being within everyday life. This your anchor into physicality. And it secures your aura in the physical world.
As you work with the higher chakras it is very easy to become ungrounded. When the Earth Star chakra is activated you stay grounded longer. Through this chakra you can discharge negative energy into the Earth and draw in divine energy from the Earth. This is a must activate chakra for empaths and all energy workers.
Balanced Earth Star Chakra
Connects to inner peace, see wider perspective in situations, grounded, connection to mother Earth.
Unbalanced Earth Star Chakra
Blood circulation issues, eating disorders, ungrounded, constant fear.
Archangel Sandalphon
Is involved in our existence here on Earth and can assist in keeping you grounded and to activate your Earth Star chakra.
Black kyanite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, chiastolite, rainbow quartz, hematite, Dalmatian jasper, fire agate, red jasper.
Basic Meditation
Visualize roots coming from your Earth Star chakra. Visualize the roots going down deep into the Earth. Through the many layers of the Earth, past the crystal caves, to the crystal core of the Earth. Connect the roots to the crystal core. Visualize a white light coming up the roots. When the white light hits the Earth Star chakra see it lighting up. Feel the energy. See and feel the energy going up through your feet, legs, and root chakra. Bring the white light up through all the chakras. See and feel everyone of the chakras lighting up as the white light goes throught them.
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