Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Strengthening the Aura

Prevention of something happening is always easier than fixing something. This is true with the auras strength as well. To have a strong aura and keep it strong you should make a few changes in life. Lack of exercise is one thing that weakens the aura. Also not enough sleep, to much stress, consuming alcohol, and tobacco use.

You should also stay away from drugs, this includes prescription drugs. There are many natural ways to deal with almost any condition that needs medication. Just look up a homeopathic doctor and see what you can do. Eating right is important also, but this goes beyond the balanced diet. Most meat is from an animal that has lived caged up it's whole life, including cows. This negativity is in the meat and we eat it bringing the negativity into us. If you are to consume meat try free range meats. Also stay away from gmo foods. Try as much as you can to find local organic foods. Lastly is negative people. Our auras absorb energy from others, you don't want their negative energy effecting you.

By this time in life no matter how old you are your aura will need to be strengthened. An aura cleanse meditation is very helpful for this. Any yoga, tai chi or workout is effective. Spending time in nature is very helpful because the plants and trees naturally filter out negative energy. Oils, energy healing of any kind, crystals, and herbs like sage are useful. Salts are very good at cleansing the aura and body. Go for a swim in the ocean, as long as it is not contaminated. Or take a 20 minute bath using sea salt, Epsom salt, or Himalayan salt. Toss in some oils, crystals, and herbs too.

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