Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Aura Colors

RED- muddy- anger, trying to hard, frustration. Bright-physical body, passion, power, strength, sexuality, vibrantly active, enjoys parties. Spots physical irritation.
ORANGE - muddy- self indulgence, creativity lock. Bright - risk takers, try new things, health, creativity. On a woman's belly might be pregnancy.
YELLOW - muddy- lazy, dogmatic, rebellious. Bright- free spirit, studious,  optimistic, happy, mental clarity.
GREEN- muddy- greed, jealousy, deceit. Bright- growth, balance, healing, harmony with nature, good parents, loving family, flexible.
BLUE - muddy- fear, pessimism, self imposed  victims. Bright - likes structure environment, free-thinking, business attitude, good verbal communication. Blue free is more of a thinker then a doer. Turquoise is a good counselor, teacher, and concerned with other welfare.
PURPLE - muddy- egotism, arrogance. Bright- wise, intuition, good  imagination, female energy. Pale lilac is loving humanity, cosmic consciousness, love for meditation. Lavender is self confident, may have issues with drugs and alcohol.
BROWN - muddy- loss of self worth, materialistic, blocks or stale energy. Bright - male energy, down to earth, well grounded, practical. Yellow brown could be OCD behavior.
BLACK - not a good sign! Hatred, death issues, poor karma, unforgiving, a personality without human warmth, sociopaths may have black auras, can mean shielding technique. Spots around the body is a life threatening disease.
PINK - muddy- immaturity, emotional neediness. Bright - tenderness, sometimes the color of a practicing healer, spiritual healing, romantic, compassion, female energy.
GOLD - muddy- stressed out. Bright- spiritual energy, mental clarity, sign of a saint, action might set off positive chain reaction.
WHITE - muddy- lack of consciousness, religious energy. Bright - honesty, spiritual purity, inspirational, idealistic, mediumship abilities. Babies and small kids may have it as a reflection of  all colors.
SILVER - muddy- into spirituality on a superficial level, delusion, possible mental illness. Bright- intuition, strong spiritual practice.
GRAY- muddy- destructive personality, mean, violent. Spots are negative thoughts. Patches can be illness.
INDIGO- muddy- self absorbed, hermit. Bright- a priest or priestess, very spiritual, clairvoyant, trustworthy.

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