Antarian Healing Oracle

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Living on a Giants Thumbnail


A memory has popped up many times over the years. I was unsure why as it seems very insignificant. As I studied more on all esoteric subjects I see how this seemingly insignificant memory is not at all. This memory has great truth behind it...

In the 8th grade we were having a class debate about the universe, mainly how it was made. This kid that sat next to me known for his out of the box thinking had an idea of what was happening. He said, " what if we are all living on a giants thumbnail?" An odd idea back in the dark ages as my kids call it. I would love to pick this kids mind now. To see if he remembers this thought and if he still believes it. For he is on the right track of what is really going on.

How dose this kid's view of the universe actually on the right track? The short answer is as above so below. We have little beings living within us and we are living on a being within a being...

Let me explain a little further. First I will explain the below because it is easier to wrap your head around. We have bacteria and viruses within and on us at all times. Now if these beings are conscious or not I really can't say. But let me say this if a spirit wanted to have an experience of being a fish they could. This would then make that fish a conscious being. Is this fish acting as a conscious being I don't know. And in reality it doesn't matter because most people are not acting as conscious being either. My point is if a spirit wanted to be a bacteria it could. If that bacteria was on your thumb nail it would be living on a giants thumb nail. From its point of view, of course.

Next lets start to explore the above. We are living on a conscious planet. The planet is a spirit wanting to have the experience of being a planet. The spirit embodies the planet the same way our spirit embodies the human. The physical planet and the human body are just machines the spirit uses to have an experience. So we are actually living on a giant. This giant doesn't have a human look, but it is a conscious being much bigger then we are. We can go above much more to the solar system which we live within. The sun controller of the solar system has a consciousness. Go out more and the central sun the controller of the galaxy has a consciousness. Go out more and the great central sun the controller of the universe has a consciousness. I will just point out that it is at this consciousness that most consider God/Source. It does, however go mush farther then this.

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