Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Law of Request

One of the basic laws of life is the Law of Request. In a nut shell if you want help from the spiritual realm you need to ask for it. This includes angel, guides, ascended masters, and your higher self.

The spiritual realm is unable to interfere with your life without being asked to do so. They can however send you hints on what you should do based on you life plan you made before coming to this life. This is all because of the law of freewill. However if you were to get into am accident that is not on your path they can save you. Or if you were going to die and it wasn't you time. But if you opt out of this life in suicide that is your freewill. People who fail at suicide are the ones who met someone on the other side and was persuaded to come back.

Asking for help is wonderful and the spiritual realm wants you to ask, but they wont take you every step of the way. You are here to experience, learn, and grow as a soul. When you ask for help you must be open to receive it. It may come in a dream, vision, a person, you may hear it, an experience, or a feeling. It really depends on how you receive information.

I often ask for help with my son and his anger. I know this is his path and he is teaching me the true meaning of unconditional love. But with the guidance of the spiritual realm we have found ways to lessen the unpleasant experiences. This guidance pops up in odd places like a facebook post, an article, when I'm giving advice, or in my dreams. My dreams often offer the best insight to any situation I am going through. This has been the main from of communication for the spiritual realm for years. Now over the last few years I receive information in the form of thoughts and feelings.

A simple list to get you started with the archangels.

Archangel Ariel- assists in healing, protection, and nature.

Archangel Azreal- assists in making physical death comfortable. Helps as souls cross over. Also compassion, peace, transition, and comfort.

Archangel Chamnuel- assists in comfort, protection, and intervention in world events. Also helps find things that are lost and soulmates. Assists in strengthening relationships.

Archangel Gabriel- assists in child conception and adoption process. Purity, rebirth, creativity, prophecy, and purifying thoughts, body, and emotions.

Archangel Haniel- assists in natural waking, beauty, harmony, moon energy, clairvoyance, and grace.

Archangel Jophiel- assists in beautiful thoughts, manifestations, attract more beauty, illumination, wisdom, and perception.

Archangel Metatron- assists in children's affairs, unity, education, truth, and owning your power.

Archangel Michael - he had a hand in creating the universe. Assists in life purpose, career path, making changes, protection, and will assist in clearing spaces of negative energy. Call on him to put a protective circle around you.

Archangel Raphael - is a powerful healer of the physical body. Assists in healing mind, body, and soul.

Archangel Raziel- assists in understanding the secrets of the universe, increases ability to see, hear, and know divine guidance.

Archangel Sadalphon- him and his twin brother Metatron are the only archangels that were originally mortal men. He carries prayers to god.

Archangel Uriel- assists with natural disasters, visions, prophecy, spiritual understanding, and peace.

Archangel Zadkiel- assists in compassion for self, and release judgments.

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