Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Gemini Moon In Your Chart

What are moon signs?

Moon signs in the zodiac help define our emotional development and the unconscious side of our personality. The moon sign also influences our senses depending on its placement in our birth chart. This can also be a place where anger, hate, jealousy and fear is found. For most people their moon sign is different from their sun sign. This is how people with the same sun sign can be different from each other. The moon sign is a much better description of what the person is like. If, however, the sun and moon sign are the same you can find that the traits are amplified of the sun sign. Click here to find out what your moon sign is.

Gemini Moon

Gemini moon Sign symbol

The Gemini Moon is witty and charming always fun to hang out with. Usually they are well informed and have their hand in everything. They are the basis for the saying "curiosity killed the cat". Their curiosity is all encompassing.  They really need a lot of stimulation to keep their interest. Either talking, reading, thinking they never stop. They bore easily. You may see them as somewhat restless. They tend to pick up one interest and then drop it a week later for something else. No mater what they end up doing they need an outlet for their creativity. 

Their twin aspect makes them moody and irritable. If you can put up with the constant switch from one to the other you will find the are very interesting people. Always doing and saying what they think is expected and will take to imitating others behavior if they think it is more accepted then being themselves. Gemini moon have a way with words. Their imagination is amazing. Since they are more likely to reason things then feel them they can handle stress and anxiety better then others.

As lunar Air sign personalities, those with moon in Gemini can sometimes take their intellectual approach too far. Constant analyzing, rationalization, and acting as though they had already experienced something instead of just thinking or talking about it, can prevent them from ever doing it. They are talkative, mentally alert, and curious about everything. Always looking for some kind of intellectual stimulation, they get bored by repetitive tasks and the same environment day after day. Attracted by intrigue and idle gossip, they pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing. Restless and impatient, they do not always take time to get all the facts before repeating things. As eager to share information as they are to receive it, many of them are talented teachers, writers, and communicators of one sort or another.

Gemini moon personalities are emotionally adaptable. A dual-natured flexibility allows them to say or do one thing with apparent ease, even though what they really think and feel may be quite different. They instinctively understand what others want to hear and what to do to please them, but they don't always know how to make themselves happy. Though quite willing to discuss others, they can be secretive about themselves. Their outer personality may be bright and optimistic but they can harbor inner feelings of loneliness. Moon in Gemini personalities love secrets and solving puzzles. They have highly sensitive nervous systems and, in order to maintain proper physical and mental health, they need to be given varied tasks and opportunities for frequent change of scene or alterations in their daily routine.

Women with Gemini moon are talented with their hands. Though efficient and organized, a certain restlessness makes it difficult for them to remain content with household chores. Men with Gemini moon are quite charming but their temperaments are not particularly suited to sustained passion in themselves or tolerating emotional hysteria in others.

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