I am an Energy Healer. My passion is to gather information and teach others to heal themselves.
Antarian Healing Oracle
Friday, September 28, 2018
Aura Clearing
The aura is an electromagnetic field around the body. This field picks up energies around us. These energies could be people's emotions/thoughts and our emotions/thoughts. These can be either happening now or an energetic residue left over from some other time.
Our auras also pick up energetic energy from beings you can't see. These beings could be just passing by, purposefully trying to influence you, or have actually attached to your aura. It is important to note that beings cannot affect your energy unless you are vibrating at their level.
Focus on your aura and see this grid pass through it in all dimensions, timelines, and lifetimes. Cleaning and strengthening the aura. See the negativity wash away. You may want to add colors such as gold, white, silver, or violet. You may want to add other visuals as well. Or you may want to just sit with or carry this grid with you.
Cutting Cords
Cutting cords refers to cutting energetic ties to a person, place, or thing. Cords often serve as a way to give and receive energy. These are often seen as ropes or strings of energy from a person to something or someone. We form many cords a week and sometimes a day.
The simple art of wanting or liking something or someone can form a cord. Or the act of not liking something or someone. We also have karmic and contract ties to people, places, and things that form cords. These are often thicker and much stronger. Everytime you think of a person, place, or thing you strengthen the cord. This doesn't matter if it is good thoughts or bad.
Look at and even envision this grid moving around your body. As it does this see/know/feel the cords being cut/dissolved/transmuted to light in all dimensions, timelines, and lifetimes.
If it is a karmic or contract cord you will need the assistance of your higher self and guides. These cords often have people in your life for a long time. Such as family, ex's you have kids with, ex's you were with for years, friends for years, enemies for year's... Or places you have been for year's or things that have great sentimental value to you.
Mental Pattern Release
Mental patterns are thinking habits you have. These are often a conscious and subconscious pattern. Often times you are thinking this way subconsciously, but it is possible and highly recommend to train yourself to become consciously aware. The ego chatter is also included here.
Humans are creatures of habit. Most of the habits we form are more harmful then good. It is now time to become consciously aware of your thinking. When certain situations occur we have a “go to” response. When someone makes us mad we think nasty things about them. When someone bullies us we start to believe it's true and bully ourselves.
See this grid within your head. Try to just sit and allow the ego to chatter. Find the subject of the chatter. Now engulf that subject with the grid. You may see pictures, words, hear voices, or feel the subject. See the subject fading into the grid or the grid wrapping around it. Ir maybe the grid covering it. Do this for all subjects until they are all gone. Make sure to state this is in all dimensions, timelines, and lifetimes.
Healing Energetic Imprints
Imprints can be programs within the energy field. These programs can affect the way you think, act, or feel. Some are placed before birth, some are made through experience, and some are placed by other beings.
Energetic imprints also can be residue left behind
from an energetic implant. Sometimes when an
implant has been within your being for a long
time or has greatly impacted your life when it is
removed an imprint can be left behind. A lot of
times the imprint is present because you on
some level have healed and removed the implant
through spiritual growth. These imprints can
affect you in the same way that the implant can.
The imprint will need to be removed and healed
just like an implant.
from an energetic implant. Sometimes when an
implant has been within your being for a long
time or has greatly impacted your life when it is
removed an imprint can be left behind. A lot of
times the imprint is present because you on
some level have healed and removed the implant
through spiritual growth. These imprints can
affect you in the same way that the implant can.
The imprint will need to be removed and healed
just like an implant.
For Removing the imprints you are asked to see,
feel, know that you are within a
octahedron/diamond shape. If you have
knowledge of or a good guess of where this
imprint would be then you make place the grid
on that spot. If not place the grid over your heart
center. Now ask for your higher self, guides,
source, and whomever else you wish to assist
you and healing to remove the imprint and take
it all the way back to source to be transmuted
into light. Now ask for this area to be healed
and fully recovered in all dimensions, timelines,
and lifetimes.
Transmute Entity Attachment
There are many unseen entities that are drawn to your light and/or your darkness.
These entities will attach to your aura, your physical body, or go with in your energetic body.
They can be thought of as a parasite feeding off of your energy.
Oftentimes these entities are drawn to a negative aspect that you both have in common.
When they are present the aspect will increase dramatically in thoughts, feelings, and even behaviors.
The entities that are drawn to your light are harder to feel around you, there are no side effects other
than feeling drained. These entities feed off of the light you bring in so after meditation you may feel more
tired than when you started.
These entities will attach to your aura, your physical body, or go with in your energetic body.
They can be thought of as a parasite feeding off of your energy.
Oftentimes these entities are drawn to a negative aspect that you both have in common.
When they are present the aspect will increase dramatically in thoughts, feelings, and even behaviors.
The entities that are drawn to your light are harder to feel around you, there are no side effects other
than feeling drained. These entities feed off of the light you bring in so after meditation you may feel more
tired than when you started.
To remove these attachments you will see this grid within your solar plexus and you may place it there.
Ask your higher self, guides,and source to assist you in this clearing.
You will see this grid expand from your solar plexus to your whole body.
Know, feel, and see the all entities are being transmuted into light in all dimensions, timelines, and lifetimes.
Ask your higher self, guides,and source to assist you in this clearing.
You will see this grid expand from your solar plexus to your whole body.
Know, feel, and see the all entities are being transmuted into light in all dimensions, timelines, and lifetimes.
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