I will connect to your soul matrix and ask it to assist in the reading you choose below. Once the cards are laid out I will then ask for guidance in interpretation of them. I will then email you the reading and /or healing grids & coloring pages as you have ordered.
I use channeled card decks from my soul matrix only. These are designed to provide healing and insight on many energetic levels.
The coloring grids are for intuitive coloring. They will be of all cards drawn in the reading using my Antarian healing and integration decks.
- Today's Lesson Reading
This is a 8 card reading focusing on the major lesson you are going through today. Giving you insight on your emotional, behavioral, and mental blocks around the lesson. You will also get advise on healing these blocks.
The coloring grids are for intuitive coloring. They will be of all cards drawn in the reading using my Antarian healing and integration decks.
- Zeta Seal Reading
The Zeta Seal is an implant put in the heart chakra. This implant is very common in this time of shift to the next harmonic universe. This is disrupting the signals from the heart through the nervous system to the brain.
To me it feels like pressure within the heart area front and back. As I go deeper into meditation the pressure gets worse. So that I can only focus on that.
This is a frequency fence to keep you stuck within the death and reincarnation cycle. The Zeta seal is related to the military. It is strengthened by service in the military. It also:
- Stop activation of the 4th DNA strand. Effectively blocking access to the higher self mind(soul 5th dimensional aspect of you). Stops the heart sensory abilities from being sensed by the mental body and conscious mind.
- Stops the soul from embodying.
- Minimizes human to human love or human to animal love fully.
- Causing patterns that you can not get past.
- Causing awakening limits.
- Messes with the Nadial Structure. This has to do with the nervous system heart circuitry. The light body generates electrical impulses through this structure.
- Inability to activate the higher heart complex.
- Inability to activate the soul identity. Unable to know why you are here and your soul mission.
- Higher Sensory Perception abilities are not able to fully activate it activate at all.
Choose your package below:
The coloring grids are for intuitive coloring. They will be of all cards drawn in the reading using my Antarian healing and integration decks.
Make sure you include a email so you can recieve your reading.
Make sure you include a email so you can recieve your reading.
Make sure you include a email so you can recieve your reading.
Make sure you include a email so you can recieve your reading.
Make sure you include a email so you can recieve your reading.

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