Antarian Healing Oracle

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Reptilian Control

I'm going to be diving a little deeper in this post. If you still have a tight hold of religion please think carefully if you want to continue reading. I am not intending to hurt anyone. I am only putting an idea out there that some hold as there current truth and some don't. Disclaimer out of the way let's start diving down the rabbit hole.

This world, this reality we live in is much like a computer. Many are referring to this as the matrix. Within this matrix are many programs that you many interact with. The media, politics, world leaders, religion, angels, ascended masters... In the end though many, it seems in this point of my research, lead your energy back to the same group.

Media, politics, and world leaders

We will start out easy with something many can wrap their head around. Media, politics, and world leaders. First you need to know they are all ruled by only a few families. Next the media is not required by law to report the truth. We just all assume they will. The ruling families  control what the media reports. They control how the majority feels, what they want or not, and what they think.

If you take nothing else from this please stop watching the news. I've said it before and I will say it again "where your attention goes energy flows". Energy is what they are after. Your energy is very powerful you can manifest they cannot. They need you to create reality. What? Aren't they human too? No they are not,  they are reptilian. Reptilians like the Anunnaki, but not limited to are unable to manifest. And some also enjoy feeding off your energy. Let's face it we live on a energy farm believing we are free.

In this group of media I'm also going to include music and movies. These are simple ways to gather people in one place and control their emotions. Something I learned when studying hypnotherapy is when you are watching TV or listening to music you go into a hypnotized state, your brainwaves are in an alpha state. Did you know you subconscious mind is far more subjective in this state?

This means ideas and programs can be placed in the mind with ease. Good for getting rid of bad habits bad for being controlled.

Religions, angels, Ascended Masters, and channeled beings

What is an easy way to get many people focusing their energy on one thing time after time? To get them to worship something. And Bam religion was born. But every religion has different God's how can this be? It is pretty simple really once you step back from the matrix. First some of the reptilians are shape shifters and some control your mind to make you see what they want you too.

With this understanding of shape shifters you can see that only a few are needed to represent all the God's. This also explains how most religions have the same stories. The same being is playing the same character in many religions only with a different name and look. Everytime you invoke, pray to, or call on a religious character you are feeding your energy to that being. The easiest way to get answers or the help you need is to go within your heart center and connect with yourself. You will always have the right answer.

This includes angels, archangels, Ascended Masters, and channeled beings as well. Like many of you I have called on them for help in many things. Except Menatron, he has always given me a bad vibe. It is still up in the air to me if the angels and religious characters are the reptilians that want to help us or not. Either way it's not a good idea to give your energy to anyone.

I am now wondering if being controlled by these reptilians is just another program within the matrix. Thinking Multidimensionally is there a timeline where this control is not happening? I would think yes since supposedly there are timelines for every outcome. Perhaps we learn this only to let go of it and become a vibrational match to that timeline. Food for thought... Have an amazing day. 

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