When I started energy healing I learned things are going to feel a lot worse before they feel better. It is this reason alone that people think energy healing doesn't work. What is really happening is if pain occurs or worsens the blocks are literally being burned through. Again I had this idea, because of the way energy healing is taught, that the blocks are gently moved along. Wrong! If dizziness or nausea occurs it is a sign of higher vibrational energy coming in and raising your vibration. If a cold or flu happens this is your body detoxing. Migraines are normally activations and downloads. When your body starts to ascend you feel these same symptoms for the same reasons and much more.
In the physical clearing your body might start to change your diet. You may feel sick when you eat certain foods. Before my awakening I ate had what you would call a normal diet. Then I started to feel sick when I ate meat. So I cut it from my diet. Then eggs, the dairy, and then gluten. Now I find myself wanting more raw foods. Follow your body if it makes you sick don't eat it. You ca find me on Instagram (AwakenedRabbit) for easy vegan and gluten free meals. The reasoning for the diet change is 5D is a much higher vibration so your going to naturally start to crave foods that are a higher vibration. Like organic foods, animals that are hormone free and free range... What your body needs will be what it craves. I will do a whole post o this later on.
Some things I have learned along the way to assist in this is:
- Meditation will help. This allows you to see the symptoms for what they are clearing of the old. Or if they are actually a sickness. What I have found is the energetic colds and flu are not as server and will lessen the more you ignore them. Normally lasting not even a day. At first however they can last weeks. This depends on how much clearing you need and how much chemicals you are treating yourself with.Go with natural treatments to lessen the time you are sick.
- Grounding helps too. If you are dizzy (and don't have a medical reason for it) you are getting high vibrational energy in. Grounding will greatly decrease this. Pay attention to energy reports about what the sun is doing, the planets, and gateways opening. This will help you be ready.
- Soaking in sea salt. This help the detox go faster and the dizziness go away. If you don't have a tub just soak your feet. Or go to an ocean that is not toxic. I happen to live on the west coast of the US so I don't have that option. The Pacific Ocean is toxic from nuclear waste from Japan.
- If you have a migraine soak your feet, use essential oils (Headache Tamer), put a warm heating pad o the back of your neck, eat somethings salty, ad drink water.
- You can always ask your guides, higher self, god... for help in lessening the symptoms.
- Keep your energy clear on a regular basis. Even if you only have time once a week do it. It can be as simple as asking your higher self to clear all negativity or using an hour log guided meditation. Do what feels right. As long as you think it is working it is. I normally see the shower water cleansing me and I have a natural quartz in the show to the I cleanse with as well.
- Keep your chakras cleansed also. There is so much info on this I'm not going into it. This can also be done while showering.

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