Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

DNA Healing/Activation Grid

This grid was channeled while I was healing someone's DNA. It is for healing and activation of the 12 strands of DNA. The 12 strands of DNA are divided in 6 pairs. Each colored DNA strand represents one of the pairs. Red- is physical, orange- emotional, yellow- mental, green- soul, pink- soul cluster, and purple- all of creation. Then image in the center of the pyramid is a light code for DNA healing. The pyramid is a very high vibrational healing shape. It also has a direct connection to Source.  

In using this for healing all one must really do is look at it or meditate with it. The healing can be guided by asking for an illness to be healed or to receive an activation. Otherwise the grid will do what is best for your path in your highest good. This is also can be used as a crystal grid, visualized in healings, placed on someone in healings... The sky is the limit.

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