Many people call on the law of resistance without even consciously knowing. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference between negative and positive. It doesn't recognize don't, wont, can't, not... and so on. For example if you are thinking "I don't want to get cancer. I will do this and that and not get cancer." Your subconscious is hearing "I want to get cancer. I will do this and that and get cancer." This is your resistance to cancer actually causing you to get cancer.
If you view yourself as a victim you will also invoke the law of resistance. Quickly a victim is anyone who blames someone else for their own issues. You are then in resistance to your own personal power of being the creator of your reality. This may be hard to accept, but everything and I mean everything that happens to you is something you created. This is either by your thoughts and actions or on a soul level for experience and lessons. This is especially hard to handle when something really awful happens. You must accept responsibility without blaming yourself. We must stay in a neutral state of mind, in a state of allowing. Look at whatever happens as a lesson or experience and MOVE ON.
Every time you stress out about something you create resistance to what you want. Say you went to an interview for a job and are waiting to here if you got the job. If you spend the whole time worried about it and replaying everything you think you did wrong you are creating resistance to that job. You need to let go and go with the flow. Stop worrying and stressing yourself out.
Meditation is excellent for being in a state of allowing. You are making the ego stay quite and are able to listen to your intuitive guidance and taking inspired action. Develop your personal power through meditation and allow your true power to emerge. Meditation helps you release attachment, and flow freely through life.
A fun meditation is to see yourself at a pond with a rocky shore. Pick up the rocks think of a worry and throw it into pond. Do this with each worry. Or you could put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and forgive yourself for whatever wrong you are worried you did. Forgiveness of yourself is so very important. Often we replay what we did wrong over and over in our heads making ourselves feel like we can't do anything right.
Helpful links
- Resistance
- Meditation to release resistance
- Allowing
- Creating reality