Antarian Healing Oracle

Friday, January 11, 2019

Crazy drivers grids to help

So today I have noticed an extra amount of people driving crazy. I ask why are this people driving crazy? That has to do with the prostitute archetype. This is really no surprise. People are selling all their time for money. They work ridculious hours just to pay for more or better stuff. Claiming they are giving their family a better life. In reality. They are selling their family time so they can make money.

Then I ask what would help them? The causal body came up. Again this is no surpise. The causal body is this house of karma, belief systems, and the connection to the soul matrix. We believe we need to make money to be happy. Money helps easy the worries, but you don't need the all the new stuff. You don't need a new car every year. These are programs that serve no purpose but keep you busy and not focusing on personal growth.

To use these grids look at them, hold your hands over, or meditate on. Allow the energy to flow and be open to the new ideas that may come to you.

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