Antarian Healing Oracle

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Silicate Matrix

This is a genetic code within some human DNA. Also referred to as the crystal gene. This is a small part of junk DNA and does need to be activated. Not all humans have this code. Out of the humans that do not all can handle the activation process.

This code allows once activated the human to have the potential of the original 12 strand DNA of the Tara-human called the Turaneusiam. This code also allows for transmutation of form, acceleration of evolution, the potential to transverse time portals and interdimensional passageways without the deterioration of form. They have a predisposition to multidimensional perception, interdimensional communication, and abductions of a soul agreement kind.

This is not a natural gene to the human. It was given to ones of our past that carried the greatest potential within their DNA to be able to activate this code. This was done through interstellar seeding. Some beings called the Zionities came to our past from our future and breed with the humans. This then created the potentially of this code getting into the human DNA.

The Zionities have intermingled with the Egyptians and Sumerians. They also shared knowledge with the humans at this time. The Zionities are a hybrid of Zeta, humans, and Aethien. They are a master race and very good at time travel. The Zeta are the Grey's people see though they are other colors. The ones people see the most are the service to self type working with the government. The ones involved here are on the service to others side. The Aethien are highly evolved teachers. They teach about service to others and the law of one. They are a Mantis like being. Any of these beings you can all on for assistance.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Crazy drivers grids to help

So today I have noticed an extra amount of people driving crazy. I ask why are this people driving crazy? That has to do with the prostitute archetype. This is really no surprise. People are selling all their time for money. They work ridculious hours just to pay for more or better stuff. Claiming they are giving their family a better life. In reality. They are selling their family time so they can make money.

Then I ask what would help them? The causal body came up. Again this is no surpise. The causal body is this house of karma, belief systems, and the connection to the soul matrix. We believe we need to make money to be happy. Money helps easy the worries, but you don't need the all the new stuff. You don't need a new car every year. These are programs that serve no purpose but keep you busy and not focusing on personal growth.

To use these grids look at them, hold your hands over, or meditate on. Allow the energy to flow and be open to the new ideas that may come to you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Soul Matrix

The Soul and Personalities

The soul has 12 personalities. I have spoke of this before. The 12 personalities are the avatars in which the soul experiences life and thus evolves. You are a personality. Not all personalities are within this time/space in which we call Earth.

Personalities connect to the soul through a cord of energy. This cord runs through the core identity of the personality held in the soul matrix (the place the soul and 12 personalities are when not incarcerated). Then extends to a sac at the end, which wraps around the personality. This is called a tissue capsule or Nadis. The sac has all the life force energy for a lifetime. It has 2 inner layers called the mental and emotional bodies. Life force flows from the sac to the mental and emotional bodies then to the physical body. If you have blocks within these bodies the flow will slow to the physical and cause disease.

Personality Double

To make things even more complex each personality has a double in a parallel universe. This is the antiparticle part of the personality called the light body or the Dolar Imprint. The personality and the light body are considered one identity package. All personalities and light bodies make up your soul family.

Soul Matrix Transplant

The soul matrix is where the soul and personalities are when not incarcerated. This can be seen as the soul being a bud on a tree and the personalities being the leaves around the bud.

The tree itself would be the Time Matrix (where the soul gets energy). The branches would be the dimensions. Going out farther world the tree is in would be the Energy Matrix (where the Time Matrix gets energy). So without getting to deep into this we are one very small part that is part of another very small part of all creation.

About 20 million years ago humans were in bad shape evolution wise. Our DNA was mutated really bad and were now unable to ascend. Different soul matrix families (groups of soul matrices) were called in to help from other dimensions and harmonic universes. These guys can in and retrained many personalities and the souls. Some of this was done by breeding out the mutated DNA or with different healing and activations.

Some personalities needed a soul matrix transplants. They took the personality and plugged it into a different soul matrix. This way the personality can still get energy. Yet other soul matrices were cut off from the time matrix, they were dying. These needed the entire soul to be transplanted. Some souls were lost, but many made it.

Side Effects

When moving from the personalities original soul matrix to the new one memory and programs were lost within the DNA and cellular memory. This memory and programs were of all experienced, learned, and to be learned from the soul. New memories and programs were then placed in the DNA. This involved all memories and programs from the new soul matrix. All original material from the soul was left within the DNA, it was just disassemble. This way when the humans evolved enough they can resemble the DNA and get back on track and reconnect them to their original soul matrix families.

What we are going through right now is the resembling of our DNA. This is why a lot of people are having trouble connecting with their soul. They are actually disconnected from it. Ask your guides to assist you in rebuilding your DNA to get that connection.

Another side effect is causing many problems in society today. This is the bleeding through of memories from the original soul matrix. These people suffer from multiple personalities and illnesses like this. They are unable to hold on to one incarnation and bounce between a few. Another reason for these illnesses are people actually being channels or seeing through the dimensional veils.

Our goal now is to gain connection to our souls again. Then we can start to build the 12 strand DNA. The original gunman had 12 strand DNA. They were called the Taran-Turaneusiam. We were made to be the guardians creators of Tara. Tara is a counter part of Earth. Tara is what Earth and our whole planetary system is ascending into.

Monday, January 7, 2019

How are we disempowering ourselves

I asked how are people disempowering themselves these 2 integration cards came up. Very interesting... Cancer has a lot of insecurity issues. This is true with most people if not all. We have been programmed not to trust ourselves. To blindly follow what we are told is right.

It is time to stop relying on others to tell you what to do. Pick yourself up, dust off, and start taking action in life. Make your life what you want it to be. If you see injustices do something about it. Don't ask for more laws. Make the change in your life. Lead by example.

Etheric body is the energy system for the physical body. This is an exact replica of the physical. Everything has an etheric body. This body has 3 major components: nadis, chakras, and an aura.

There are 72,000 minor nadis in your body. The nadis form a barrier between the physical and astral planes. If you have taken part in lower vibrational activities like drinking or drugs (includes drugs from the doctor) this is most likely is broken. Lower vibrational beings can now affect you easier. They probably have made a home within your etheric body.

You have a chakra for every joint, every organ, and every gland. The chakras and nadis feed each other energy. These are not the main chakras those are in the emotional body. A lot of diseases will start with energy blockages here.

To use these grids look at, hold your hand over, or meditate on them. It is really fun to see yourself within them as well. This give an amazing vibrational boost.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Innocent Child Archetype integration

Today we are asked to start to integrate the Innocent child archetype. Integration of aspects is the way to ascension. In order to ascend one must become whole to a certain point among other things and this involves integration.

The innocent child is both enchanted and enchanting to others. They see the beauty in all things around them. To them magic is everywhere. They're able to embody aspects of wisdom and courage in the face of difficult times. The innocent child has a powerful imagination and believes everything is possible.

The shadow side to the innocent child is the inability to see miracles and that bad situations can turn good. There's also an attitudes of pessimism and depression.  The innocent child can also retreat completely into a fantasy world.

See the grid becoming 3rd dimensional around you. Close your eyes at anytime and just sit in this space. If the image moves or changes shape it is fine. It is changing to match a frequency that better matches your vibrational state at that point in time. You may receive information on how you need to take action to better integrate the archetype energy.

This card is part of my integration deck and the archetype integration card pack found at