The emotional body is the house of all emotions and desires. If you are an empath this body is very active and the main body that drives the physical body. If you are trapped within an emotional state like depression, fear, anxiety, lack this body is controlling the physical body.
In order to gain better control of your emotions and desires, as these create our reality, meditation is key. Meditation doesn't have to be sitting still. If can be a walk in nature, doing art, writing, singing, dancing, or yoga. Anything really as long as you are clearing your mind.
The emotions want to be heard and felt. Allow them to be, but only for a short time. They are leading you to a pattern or program that no longer serves you. Find this pattern or program and start to rewrite it. With this it's helpful to enlist the mental body (ego) to take over for a bit. The mental body (ego) is great at finding clues within reality to support anything you want it to.
For example say you feel unloved by your lover. Your feelings create your reality and your emotional body is in control. So your mental body (ego) is going to be finding clues to support this feeling. Of course, when the ego is involved all is blown out of proportion. You are now in a messy emotional state. If you take control and ask your lover if something is wrong. Let's say they say they love you and nothing is going on. Take this and consciously look for clues that support this is true. The more you find the more your emotions will shift.
Don't by any means try to change the way your lover behaves. If they search themselves and see room to change they will. Trying to change them so you are happy is a lower vibrational way of dealing with this. This is being dependent and attached we are moving away from this as a collective. You are the one that needs to make you happy. If however, you find you cannot stand the way your lover acts then you should end the relationship and find someone else.
Now if this keeps happening you are dealing with a pattern or program. You will need to consciously be taking control of your emotional and mental bodies probably many times a day. You many need to repeat affirmations to yourself and consciously point out to yourself that they do love you. I personally tell my ego to sit down and shut it many times a day. You can do that too. Stick with it you will reprogram yourself.
The emotional body is the body you astral travel with. The aura some can see and capture with special cameras is this body's aura. The seven main chakras are also within this body.
This aura is always bringing in energy to the seven chakras. The energy assists in creating your experience through these chakras. When this energy is all used up in the chakras it is sent back to the aura so new energy can go to the chakras.
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