Antarian Healing Oracle

Thursday, May 3, 2018

12 Strand DNA Integration

The DNA effects our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual make up. This energy impacts our conscious and subconscious minds creating belief systems. These belief systems create our reality that we see. Reality is created from the inside out for each person. As we learn and grow our experiences can be so powerful that our DNA alters. This can be on a positive note where you no longer suffer from an illness. Or on a negative note where you suffer from more illness. It can open new talents you never knew you had like healing. Or it can close the doors to talents. In DNA healing we can find these negative beliefs, limiting patterns, old outdated programs and open the door to healing. This allows these thoughts, emotions, and patterns to come to the surface so we can heal them. We should view them and then let them go. Making a conscious effort to reprogram our DNA by saying, " I don't want to be like that anymore." It is however up to you to stand in your own power and make a change.

The 12 strands are broken down into pairs. There is 1 physical pair and 5 non physical pairs. Each pair controls different aspects of our experience. In understanding this we can better heal the DNA. You may access these different DNA strands with these grids. Allowing you more and more control over your being. This also opens doors to high knowledge once you start to work with these strands more. Meditate on the grid that corresponds to what you want to work on. Or you may go through each spending a little time focusing on integration and balancing the energies. See the grids become 3d around you to increase the energy. If meditation is not your thing just look at, hold your hand over, or have the grid on your person. You may also print it out and color it.

1. The physical. This pair controls all aspects of the physical body, the genetic patterns, dispositions to illnesses, aging, and metabolism.

2. The emotional body. This pair controls our emotional profile and predisposition to emotional conditions.

3. The mental body. This pair controls the mental profile, the intuition, and artistic side.

4. The soul. This pair controls the karmic patterns, preconditioning, wounds, issues, and lessons. It also runs the soul mission, archetypal pattern, experiences we are to have, wisdom we are to gain, our spiritual struggles, and service to others.

5. The soul cluster. This pair controls the movement and timing of the soul cluster. The soul cluster is the 12 personalities of your soul. You are just one of the 12 personalities. These personalities may or may not be here on Earth. Normally a soul will spread the personalities among many different worlds to gain as much experience and soul growth as possible. Often these personalities are not even incarnated, but work as guides to the other personalities. This, of course, really depends on the needs of the soul at that point.

6. All of creation. This pair aligns the 12 strands with divine will of the Monad. The Monad is a higher aspect of you just like the soul is. The Monad has 12 souls that connect to it. Those 12 souls have 12 personalities. At this level there are 144 different parts of you.

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