Antarian Healing Oracle

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Soul Star Chakra

The Soul Star Chakra is about 6 inches above the head. It is a purpleish pink color. This is a 5th dimensional chakra. It is activated during the beginning stages of Ascension.

This chakra forms a bridge between physical and spiritual realities. The Soul Star holds all talent, wisdom, and knowledge from all your lifetimes. This is will only activate the ones that will help for this lifetime.

The Soul Star us divined into 2 parts. The lower part connects to your Monad. This is a 12th dimensional part of you. This you is a higher aspect then your soul. Your soul is a higher aspect of you. Your soul has 12 personalities, you are one of these. Not all are incarnated here or anywhere. Some personalities at as your guides. The Monad has 12 souls to it, just like the soul has 12 personalities. So with each Monad having 12 souls and each soul having 12 personalities you have access to 144 beings knowledge. This opens your heart to what your journey is in this lifetime. 

The higher part is the access to the soul. These opens up first giving you access to 12 personalities past life information. Once you have raised your vibration enough you get access to the Monad part. Opening far more doors and kick starting some stuff in your life.

Activations- Piscloa

Everything and anything can be an activation to you. Lighting up your DNA, turning on and off different parts of your DNA. Or giving you the power to awaken or to stay asleep (spiritually that is), turn away from outdated patterns or keep them going, go places you need to go or stay way, walk away from a bad relationship. They are triggers for the subconscious to make you behave or think a certain way. Some are triggers from spirit and some are from the ones trying to control us.

It is up to you to see the activation and find out what it means. An activation that is easier to notice is when something keeps repeating to you. Like the same word is repeated throughout the day. Or the same image is repeated or and combo of both. Music, animals, numbers can also be repeated. The thing to remember is each activation will be personal. My point in sharing mine is to show you how to find yours. When looking for the meaning do not take what others have said as your truth. Find your own truth by how it feels to you. Does it feel right? Does it relate to your life somehow.

My Piscola activation

After hearing this word used as a city in Georgia in two completely different shows in two completely different rooms at work (I'm a caregiver for the elderly in a assisted living facility) it registered as an activation to me. Now I had never been there or even known where there was. Or know anything about that place. My first instinct was to Google it. Thank God for google.

I find out it is in Georgia at an elevation of 144.44 feet. Then I look up the meaning for 144 because this number stands out to me.

144- look for a new way to do your work. Keep positive thoughts. Fibonacci number. 144,000 lightworkers to transform the world. Monad is a 12th dimensional part of you. This you is a higher aspect then your soul. Your soul is a higher aspect of you. Your soul has 12 personalities, you are one of these. Not all are incarnated here or anywhere. Some personalities at as your guides. The Monad has 12 souls to it, just like the soul has 12 personalities. So with each Monad having 12 souls and each soul having 12 personalities you have access to 144 beings knowledge. This opens your heart to what your journey is in this lifetime. 

Then I look up the meaning of 14444. This was a hard one. Google showed me different sites and these are the things that stood out to me. 

14444- female, tradesman, new free from government intervention, Mt. Rainier is 14,444 feet. 

I was in awe when I saw Mt. Rainier come up. Things were starting to become clear because I was going to Rainier the next day. Not the mountain but the city. So I had to go there to get the activation. Then I looked at the latitude of Piscola 306901991. The first thing that stood out was the 369.

369- Compassion, creative expression, healing energy, family and home, Nikola Tesla 369.

Next the 1991 stands out to me, the year my mom died and I lost my ability to see energy and auras. Before that I saw the worlrd as pixelated. Tiny colorful dots making up images of reality. Nothing  looked solid to me. My reality became just like everyones when she died. So this activation is reawakening these abilities. 

The day I was supposed to go didn't workout. I went the next day. A day that was a full moon, great for clearing out stagnant energies. And it was an 11:11 portal day, great for manifestation. To bring my mom's energy in more it happenes to be my mom's birthday too.

The energy was super high and I was dizzy all day. It wasn't until my son asked me to cover him in sand that I felt better for a few minutes. This of course grounded my energy clearing the dizziness. The next day the world became more fluid looking. After I my day mellowed out I noticed auras popping out at me. 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Awakened Life- falling apart

Not to long ago my husband said to me, "you and others like you make this Ascension thing look so easy." I never thought about it until he said this. By the time we start sharing we have gone through the hard part and are in a state of flow. We have a new prospective on life and normally try not to be attached to an outcome.

In this series I will start to turn back the clock and share my experiences with you. Sharing my feelings then and my expanded perspective now. My hope is to assist you as your going through the hard part, give you tips that helped me, and hopefully help you find hope.

Through great pain comes great change.

No words were ever more true then these in the start of my Awakening. My trigger, my great pain was my dad getting cancer. The exact cancer my mom died from when I was a child. In my search to find a way to save him my awakening started. I was sure after 21 years some progress was made on treatment. But no. I researched inside and outside of traditional treatment. It wasn't until after his death that I found many things we could have tried... I started to awaken to the truths of the world I lived in. How was I so blind? I felt mad and stupid at the same time. Things I once fought for were the very things harming us.

As I was trying to wrap my head around the truths of the world my personal life was falling apart. My kids were kicked out of daycare and preschool. One son had anger problems and the other was a copycat. I homeschool for a few years. But at least had to put them in public school. They were falling behind because of my one son's behavior. We are talking daily rage fits, destroying the house fits. I just couldn't deal with his behaviors and teach 2 kids everything they needed to know. I also switched jobs twice in this time.

I was beyond devastated the way my life was. I felt like no matter what I did I was messing it all up. So many tears were cried as I tried so hard to pick up the pieces of my life only to have them knocked down again. Not a day went by that I didn't want to quit my life. Just walk away and say f it. This is the dark night of the soul (Google it).

It was a few months into the new school year when I found something that felt right about this new life that I was pushed into. By this time I had to change my work schedule to working only weekends 16 hours each day. This way I was free to help the school with my son. I was a single mom at the time so it was all on me. My sister watched the kids when she wasn't working. Thank God. This also meant 5 days off a week for me. By this time my kids were 6 and 7 finally I had time to myself.

It was during my few hours of freedom that I found my state of flow. I now had a few hours to disconnect from the issues of my life and just be. I didn't go into deep meditation or anything. I just walked to trails in the nature park and started to share with you all the information I was uncovering. Most importantly I start to see the purpose of putting my kids back in school. One of our missions is to assist in changing how schools teach. This is a mission still going and causes a great number of tears.

Tips to survive

1. Move your body. During my hard times I discovered yoga. I'm not talking about going to a class. I'm talking about watching the kids play and trying to get a few moves in before a fight breaks out. Or having them do it with me. Cosmic kids is a great YouTube for that.
Body movement assist in moving blocked energy, patterns, pain, and negativity out if the body. It frees the channels of energy through your body.

2. Meditation. I'm not talking about a 20 minutes session and out of body experiences. No mom has time for that. While sitting in the sun watching the kids play consciously know, feel, see the source energy come into you. Or while in the shower or at a river see, feel, know the negativity is being washed away.

3. Faith. Have faith that everything is in divine order. It will all work out in the end. You must first believe then you will see.

4. Letting go. Let go of the way life was. Life is always changing and it will lead you to where you should be. Let go of how you want life to be. Let go of old pain. Let go of relationships. Let go of jobs.

5. Take it one day at a time. Get through today. Tomorrow try to be better then the day before. Don't be hard on yourself though. Self love is very important now. You are doing the best you can in your present reality.

6. Light codes, frequency grids, and light language. These help me now. I write a light code on my hand and it reminds me of what I want to do that day. It always gives you an energetic boost to make it happen. I listen to light language while cleaning. I place a frequency grid on my wallpaper on my phone. All assist me in keeping a higher vibration so life doesn't seem so hard.

7. Affirmations. These help me now too. I play affirmations from YouTube while I do house work or yoga. This programs my subconscious to be more positive.

8. Be thankful. Even if it is for just small stuff. Even if you are tganktha today didn't suck as much as yesterday. The more you consciously recognize the little things the more they will happen. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Begger Archetype Integration

The begger Archetype is not just for the homeless on the street corners. One can be a begger of attention, love, authority, or other things. Often times we see kids playing the begger Archetype as they act out to gain attention. Lovers will often gain the attention of another to get their lovers attention, this is a form of begging.

A lot of times people will tell you their sob story begging for you to feel sorry for them. They do this in hopes you will give them something or do something for them. People many also suck up to the boss begging for that promotion.

This grid will assist you in that. Just look at it, meditate with it, hold your hand over, color it...

Avenger archetype integration

The avenger archetype relates to our need for justice. When this archetype is at play within our energy we feel that people should do what is right and be punished for what is wrong. Sometimes we feel the need for this to be an aggressive punshiment.

As people awaken to the truths of our world this archetype will come into play more an more. There are many wrongs in the world that happen right in front of us. Often times we were agreeing with this or promoting them without knowing the full picture. As the picture becomes fuller and fuller we start to see the injustice. Our frist emotion is often anger. Anger at self for not seeing and anger at the ones doing it. We cry out for justice and often this is a violent justice we want.

This is normal and is how we are programmed to react. This however doesn't help us. Anger feeds the injust ones. Our greatest weapon is forgiveness and love.

This grid will assist you in that. Just look at it, meditate with it, hold your hand over, color it...

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Artist Archetype Integration

The artist archetype pushes us to express life in a beautiful manner. Some may do this with food, painting, books, music, gardens, and so on. There are so many areas in life you can be artistic. I try to add an artistic vibe to all areas of my life. When I cook I have a basic recipe then I add or take away things until it is a magical meal. The artist feels a need to express their energy in the physical. You may dress in a fun manner like crazy socks. Whatever they do they do it with such emotions that they create an emotional field around the creation.

Shadow side to the artist is the core belief of the starving artist. That you can not make money by being an artist. You will not see this belief as you own because core beliefs are often hidden. The way to tell if you have this is if your trying to make money of your work and can't. This cannot be from lack of trying. This would be a core belief of not being good enough or procrastination. There is also the idea that madness should go with genius or only great artist recognize after death.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Alchemist Archetype Integration

The alchemist archetype is about seeking spiritual transformation. This archetype is often present in people that are involved with the mystery school of the past and the study of the laws of the universe. The shadow side to this archetype using the knowledge gained for bad. Such as tricking others into doing what you want, seducing others, and playing on others desires to gain power.

Now that we are working through karma not just in this lifetime, but all lifetime across your entire bloodline this is an archetype that needs integration in all. Many of us were or have family that were involved with the old mystery schools and studies of the laws of the universe. This also includes the uses of magic in Pagan, Wiccan, and all occult studies. Again many of us have this in our bloodline. We are coming out of some dark times and need to clear away the old energy that no longer serves. Not that this day and age Wiccans and Pagan are harmful, but ones in the past have used spells to get their way a time or two.

I have knowledge of my past life (actually my last incarnation here) of being drowned as a Pagan by the church. I was some how able to stay young and gain power through spells involving sex. Though I am not sure of the details of it I still seen the power of the spells in my younger days (I have since cleared this from my energy fields). I was still drawn the the Wiccan life at the age of 12 when I cried after learning of the witch hunts in school.

To use this grid look at it, color it, draw it, meditate on it, use in energy healing...

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Addict Archetype Integration

You don't have to be addicted to drugs or alcohol to be touched by this archetype. We can be addicted to or obsessed with other things in life. Like working out, eating, sleeping, sports, tv... and so on. An addiction is being obsessed with something to the point you get mad, sad, or angry when you don't have it. Mine is coffee.

Being addicted to something shows a real imbalance in the solar plexus chakra. Addiction takes over our ability to control our will power. You need to stand up and take back control of yourself. Start by asking what void this addiction is filling. Really search inside for the answer. Is there another way to fill this void? Remember we are trying to overcome addiction so don't start a new one.

Use this grid to assist you in finding your answers. Look at it, draw it, see yourself inside it, put in your pocket, color it, or hold your hand over it. Remember this grid is to assist not do the work for you. This will be hard you will have to be strong and stand up to yourself to gain control.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Shadow Aspects and Reflections

I was doing research for a project I have coming up this week and the quote, "that thing that really annoys you about someone is a reflection of you" pops up on the page. How appropriate that this quote would come into my awareness at that moment because I was pretty annoyed with an aspect of someone. 

This moment in time of reading the quote was all I needed to see that same aspect was hidden in myself... Procrastination. In fact I am doing it right now. This aspect is well hidden under a pile of false "have to's" and an even bigger pile of great ideas. All of these keep me far to busy to see I am procrastinating on what I should be doing. 

The funny thing about shadow aspects is the flip side of it will be a thing people list as a strength of yours. You will over play this strength to hide the shadow aspect more. The flip side of procrastination is getting shit done. 

Now that I am aware if this shadow aspect I need to examine it more by asking simple questions. What am I avoiding? Why am I avoiding it? 

Enough of me. For you to start to notice your shadow aspects look at what annoys you about someone and find that aspect in you. Or look at your strengths and find the flip side of it in you. Remember not all shadows are "bad". But adults in your childhood could gave seen them as bad and you hid them away. 

Once you have found one start asking questions about it. Why do you do that? Or don't do that? 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Concurring the Matrix- Number Sequences

The vibration of the Earth has changed and is still changing. No longer do we need to sit and wait for our guides to send us messages like seeing number sequences. We can flip it around and use the frequency of the number sequences to send them messages. We are headed to being the pilots if our own journey.

We are entering a time where we need to take a conscious role in our spiritual journey. We need to decide what we work on and then do it. With these frequency grids you can do just that. These are designed to request assistance in many areas of life. You will find that many will work for a certain situation. You are encouraged to mix and match these grids.

I was told in this channeling that these grids are most beneficial in a collage of intent. Crystals will increase the power. Pictures or words will guide the focus. Daily meditation or touching will keep the energy strong.

111 - Manifestation

Use these grid to create your desires. Please remember you may not mess with the freewill of others. This grid will not make Fred or Ashley love you. You can, however, be used to manifest a love without a certain person in mind.

222 - Personal Power

This is all about amping up your personal power. Allowing your light to be as bright as it can be. Use to gain confidence, to increase energy either in other energy work or physical energy, and taking control of your ego.

333 - Christ Consciousness

Using this grid to connect to the Christ Consciousness energy. Feel more empowered as the energy flows. Connection to oneness.

444 - Abundance

Like the 111 grid this one can be used to bring in abundance of all kinds. This is also a great grid to bring in the assistance of angels into your life.

555 - Moving Forward

Feeling stuck in a situation? This grid assist in forward movement of all kinds. Removing blocks in the way and getting you unstuck.

666 - Balance

Use this grid to regain balance in life, thoughts, and actions. This grid can assist in balancing negative thought patterns, behavior patterns, and experience patterns. If you are stuck in doing the same thing over and over this grid can start to free you.

777 - Learning

A grid for bringing in the higher knowledge. Being able to see the lessons behind the situations. Allowing you to see the emotions behind others actions. Seeing the karma build up in the situation and how to dissolve this karma. Learning service to others.

888 - DNA download

This grid is used to request or receive with ease DNA downloads and upgrades. This grid allows you to access Multidimensional realms. Allowing you deeper understanding of all esoteric concepts.

999 - Soul Growth

This grid will assist you in soul growth that is in your highest good. A word of caution though... Be careful of wording and be specific when using this grid. The highest potential for soul growth normally comes with great hardships.

911 - Help Request

This grid is much like a prayer. When you need help in an area of life use this grid. The higher self, angels, master, guides... and so on will assist you in this matter. Be on the look out for help in all ways. Sometimes we don't know something is help until you look back. Say yes to things that come up.

1010 - Heart Opening

Spreading love and light is the best way to awaken others. This also counts as service to others. With this your Ascension is increased. The best way to do this is to open your heart. Allowing love to flow. This grid can also be used to  start or end something with love also.

1111 - Awakening

Assistance in your personal awakening. Opening the doors to your personal journey. Making the path easier to see.

1212 - The Path

For assistance in seeing and knowing your path. Assistance in being in service to others. Seeing new ways to live in harmony with all life. Becoming more balanced in this life with the lives of all.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Planetary Integration

It is now time to balance these aspects coming into a perfect harmony within. Examine yourself with honest eyes and see where you may be out of balance. Focus on balancing these areas integrating the "good" with the "bad". Remember the good can go to far and become over expressed or obsessive. The bad is sometimes good to express to a healthy manner. For example if someone angers you they need to know so it can be worked of. Not by yelling or physical means, but by talking it out. If you hold on to this resentment occurs and shadow sides. We are moving into a time where shadow sides are not an option. We are integrating these areas.

To use this grids all you need to do is look at them, crystal grid with them, energy heal with them, hold your hand over them, put them under your pillow, put in your pocket... the sky is the limit get creative with how you use them. The grid already have the energy you just need to set the intention to receive it.


Mars is the God of war and rules Aries. This planet affects our
raw energy, action, desire, aggression, sexual desires, attraction, impatience, impulsiveness, rash decision, forceful energy, and adventurous attitude. 


Venus is the goddess of love and the ruler of Libra and Taurus. This planet affects our love, money, our sentiments, what we value, grace, charm, life's pleasures, beauty, what makes us happy, how we spend money, and gifts we buy.


Mercury is the messenger if God and rules Gemini and Virgo. This planet affects our
everyday expression, communication, opportunities, being unemotional, curious, coordination, thought process, ideas, sensory information for the unconscious and conscious mind, analyzes, sorts, make sense of things, inquisitive, versatile, high strung, nervous, nit-picking, and indecisive.


Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. This planet affects our
restrictions, limitations, constricting, structure, boundaries, responsibility, limits of time and matter, self control, the father figure, authority figure, fears, and helping us grow.


Jupiter is the king of the God's and ruler of Sagittarius. This planet affects our tolerant, expansive, insight through knowledge, morality, gratitude, hope, honor, law, broader purpose, reach, possibility, good luck, optimism, growth, sense of humor, good will, mercy, excess, and overindulgence.


Uranus is God if the sky and ruler of Aquarius. This planet affects our electric, crammed with change, technology, innovation, discovery, progressive, enlightenment, objectivity, novelty, rebellious, not developed, reacts, not in tune with own energies, and intuition that Spurs invention.


Neptune is God of the sea and rulers of Pisces. This planet affects our inspection, dreams, psychic reception, illusion, confusion, spirituality, intuition, enlightenment, mercy, compassion, deception, trickery, deceit, guilt, and addiction.


Pluto is the God of the underworld and ruler of Scorpio. This planet affects our transformation, subconscious forces, renewal, rebirth, endings and new beginnings, spiritual growth, obsessive desires for power and control, and destructiveness.


The moon is the ruler of Cancer. It affects our deepest personal needs, basic habits and reaction, unconscious, the mother, inner child, inner mother, response, reception, reflection, instinctual reaction, protective manner, flow of activity and energy, mediator of inner and outer world's, and habitual behavior.


Ceres rules food. If affects our agriculture, transition, nurturing, motherhood, family relationship, protection, respect, with a possibility of destroying all in it's path to regain all that is lost.


Chiron is a comet with a unique and crazy orbit. It is the wounded healer. It affects our deepest wounds, our efforts to heal, makes us face issues if self worth and inadequacy, makes us learn to raise above, and can point to where the healing power is for the spiritual wounds.


Earth is now in the 5th dimension. It is time to let go of the 3rd dimensional reality and even 4th dimensional reality you are holding on to. Letting go of fear and separation for these no longer serve you. You are now called to remember you are not this body, you are an ever powerful spark of energy.

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Concurring the Matrix- Creating Change

As a collective we are all going through clearing. We are getting rid of the old outdated things in our lives and bringing in the New. With this we become more aligned with our path. Situations are coming up that are uncomfortable and we are releasing people, behaviors, addictions, jobs, even where we live to ease this discomfort and become more balanced.

Many are not going with the flow of release. Many are hanging on to the old. They are afraid to do what needs to be done. These individuals are being pushed more and more to make the changes to release the old. Their lives are crumbling around them and still they hang on. They are unable to grab on to the help being offered yo them. They always have an excuse for every solution. They are often ready to fail before ever trying.

To you I say let go. Have faith that it will all work out in the end. For just 30 seconds feel what it would feel like to have it all work out. These changes that you are being pushed to make are not new. You have thought if it before. You've wanted to leave that relationship or job many times before. And yet you stay. Why do you stay? Yes I know many reasons. At the heart is fear. Face that fear and leave. Stop having an excuse for every solution.

Use the grid above by looking at it. Allow your eyes to relax. Allow it to encircle you. Now clear your mind off all thoughts, but what needs to be changed. Now for as long as you can envision that change being made. Feel that it has with every ounce of your being. Feel the joy. Hold on to that. Try this everyday for 21 days and see how your life changes. Allow changes to come. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

12 Strand DNA Integration

The DNA effects our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual make up. This energy impacts our conscious and subconscious minds creating belief systems. These belief systems create our reality that we see. Reality is created from the inside out for each person. As we learn and grow our experiences can be so powerful that our DNA alters. This can be on a positive note where you no longer suffer from an illness. Or on a negative note where you suffer from more illness. It can open new talents you never knew you had like healing. Or it can close the doors to talents. In DNA healing we can find these negative beliefs, limiting patterns, old outdated programs and open the door to healing. This allows these thoughts, emotions, and patterns to come to the surface so we can heal them. We should view them and then let them go. Making a conscious effort to reprogram our DNA by saying, " I don't want to be like that anymore." It is however up to you to stand in your own power and make a change.

The 12 strands are broken down into pairs. There is 1 physical pair and 5 non physical pairs. Each pair controls different aspects of our experience. In understanding this we can better heal the DNA. You may access these different DNA strands with these grids. Allowing you more and more control over your being. This also opens doors to high knowledge once you start to work with these strands more. Meditate on the grid that corresponds to what you want to work on. Or you may go through each spending a little time focusing on integration and balancing the energies. See the grids become 3d around you to increase the energy. If meditation is not your thing just look at, hold your hand over, or have the grid on your person. You may also print it out and color it.

1. The physical. This pair controls all aspects of the physical body, the genetic patterns, dispositions to illnesses, aging, and metabolism.

2. The emotional body. This pair controls our emotional profile and predisposition to emotional conditions.

3. The mental body. This pair controls the mental profile, the intuition, and artistic side.

4. The soul. This pair controls the karmic patterns, preconditioning, wounds, issues, and lessons. It also runs the soul mission, archetypal pattern, experiences we are to have, wisdom we are to gain, our spiritual struggles, and service to others.

5. The soul cluster. This pair controls the movement and timing of the soul cluster. The soul cluster is the 12 personalities of your soul. You are just one of the 12 personalities. These personalities may or may not be here on Earth. Normally a soul will spread the personalities among many different worlds to gain as much experience and soul growth as possible. Often these personalities are not even incarnated, but work as guides to the other personalities. This, of course, really depends on the needs of the soul at that point.

6. All of creation. This pair aligns the 12 strands with divine will of the Monad. The Monad is a higher aspect of you just like the soul is. The Monad has 12 souls that connect to it. Those 12 souls have 12 personalities. At this level there are 144 different parts of you.