Grids to open you to channeling
People often ask me how do you channel information and art? This is not a complicated process. This is the natural process of Ascension. It is the raising of your vibration enough that you can receive information or art or music... whatever is easiest for you to receive. Most importantly it is you being aware enough to notice when this is happening. To notice the slight difference between things that come from your mind and things that are put there. This takes time and practice.
When I first started channeling I had no idea I was channeling. After I started to work with energy healing I felt the need to be in nature more. As I walked in nature the ego chatter would slow down and there would be a slight pause. Then what I thought were my own clear thoughts would come in. A whole article would be like read to me. But it sounded like me thinking. Only in nature did this happen. I would try to remember it to post to you guys if it was relevant to this site. Some were about my life or advice for people I knew. I would often forget it by the time I started to write.
Over time I was able to grab this information again while writing. The words would flow. This is when I realized I was channeling information. Over time as I started to paint again images would come to me for days at a time. The only way to get them to leave was to paint them. After I started to except my empath side and work with it. I started to be able to feel when the painting or drawing was right.
Now I just ask a question and receive the knowledge, feeling, or an image. This happens in all areas of life. If I want to know a recipe I ask how you make it. I normally get an image with the knowledge of how to make it.
How to
I have broke this down into a few steps that you can do to activate this process.
1. Try to keep your vibration high. Eating healthy, drinking water, use essential oils, incense, energy grids or light codes, be creative, try not to allow life to get you down... and so on.
2. Ask questions to yourself. You can make a formal statement if you wish addressing your higher self, God, or whatever. This is however not necessary. It is your intentions that matter. You are asking a question and believing/knowing the answer will come to you. In a form that is best for you. Words, thoughts, images, music, others talking to you, feelings... and so on are all ways it may come to you. Be open to how it comes. As in my case over time I started to channel in many forms.
3. Most importantly listen to what answer comes to you. Know this is from a higher place.
4. Be patient and do this often.
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