Antarian Healing Oracle

Monday, March 26, 2018

Ascension- Start Channeling

Grids to open you to channeling 

People often ask me how do you channel information and art? This is not a complicated process. This is the natural process of Ascension. It is the raising of your vibration enough that you can receive information or art or music... whatever is easiest for you to receive. Most importantly it is you being aware enough to notice when this is happening. To notice the slight difference between things that come from your mind and things that are put there. This takes time and practice.

When I first started channeling I had no idea I was channeling. After I started to work with energy healing I felt the need to be in nature more. As I walked in nature the ego chatter would slow down and there would be a slight pause. Then what I thought were my own clear thoughts would come in. A whole article would be like read to me. But it sounded like me thinking. Only in nature did this happen. I would try to remember it to post to you guys if it was relevant to this site. Some were about my life or advice for people I knew. I would often forget it by the time I started to write.

Over time I was able to grab this information again while writing. The words would flow. This is when I realized I was channeling information. Over time as I started to paint again images would come to me for days at a time. The only way to get them to leave was to paint them. After I started to except my empath side and work with it. I started to be able to feel when the painting or drawing was right.

Now I just ask a question and receive the knowledge, feeling, or an image. This happens in all areas of life. If I want to know a recipe I ask how you make it. I normally get an image with the knowledge of how to make it.

How to

I have broke this down into a few steps that you can do to activate this process.

1. Try to keep your vibration high. Eating healthy, drinking water, use essential oils, incense, energy grids or light codes, be creative, try not to allow life to get you down... and so on.

2. Ask questions to yourself. You can make a formal statement if you wish addressing your higher self, God, or whatever. This is however not necessary. It is your intentions that matter. You are asking a question and believing/knowing the answer will come to you. In a form that is best for you. Words, thoughts, images, music, others talking to you, feelings... and so on are all ways it may come to you. Be open to how it comes. As in my case over time I started to channel in many forms.

3. Most importantly listen to what answer comes to you. Know this is from a higher place.

4. Be patient and do this often.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Ascension- Alone and the Soul Tribe

Once you become aware to some degree of lower vibrational energy and have maintained a higher vibration for awhile. Probably off and on because life has a way of lowering our vibration. You will start to notice you are pulling away from friends and family of lower vibrations. You will no longer participate in lower vibrational activities (such as drinking), or lower vibrational chatter (such as drama and gossip). You will look around one day and notice you are alone.

For me this happened when a few "friends"/co-workers were talking to me about going out for another friends birthday. Which I was not included. The realization that of this hit me then. I was alone. I talk to others online and have a connection to them. I also have my family that I live with. But as far as physical friends and family outside of the house I had completely separated myself from them.

At this moment I realized I wanted more. This was not my group anymore. I have grown beyond the drama and gossip. I needed a group I could relate to. In all honesty I was having problems being "normal". Everyday it is hard to talk about matters that aren't important. My new way of thinking was if you hate your job or life so much change it. Take action and stop complaining. Most things can be changed with actual effort. Most lack the drive to change their life. Complaining is far easier. I don't have the patience for this any longer.

This was the time in my life to call my soul tribe. The tribe I could be the new me with. That I could talk about dimensions, energy healing, channeling, and vibrations with.

I then went into meditation. I went into zero point within my Divine Matrix. I placed a soul tribe gridding there with the help of my God Self (Higher Self). This radiates a message out to the God Selves of your Soul Tribe. Setting in motion synchronicities to bring you together. I made my plea to my Soul Tribe to come together and to come to me.

This if course is not enough. Action is required. So one must put themselves out there. Allow conversations to take place in public or online. They will come you just have to keep your eyes open. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Conquering the Matrix - Anger Integration

Anger is a service to self emotion. Anger occurs when the person's ego thinks it has been wronged. Whether or not this is the actual case is not important to the ego. The ego makes up stories out of situations and either makes you feel good or bad.

For example: last night the kids and I were talking about our favorite color/flavor of starburst. I my oldest said he likes all but the yellow/lemon. I had said "I like all but the orange". He said he likes orange flavor but not the color. I said the same for yellow. My youngest (all angry) says "so you hate my hair!!!". His hair is dyed orange. The two start fighting. I get in the middle and say "no one said anything about your hair. Your ego is overreacting. We both love your hair it fits you perfectly." It took a moment but he calmed down.

You see the ego picks out pieces from a situation and runs wild with it. The ego is often not acting alone on this. Each person has many energetic implants running causing different emotions. This creates different realities that are vital for the entities feeding off of our energy. Understanding this is the first step in conquering anger.

Step two is acknowledgement of the anger. I am feeling angry. Feel this emotion safely. Meaning don't hurt you or anyone. Where is it in your body? What does it feel like? Try not to listen to the storyline in your mind. Just be with the actual feeling. This take practice the ego is very loud.

Next you may listen to the storyline and find out why you are angry. Don't engage with it. This takes self control. Be patient with yourself it will take practice. Now try to go deeper into the anger. What is a different emotion behind the anger. Anger is a front for many emotions. Fear, jealously, defensiveness, guilt, abandonment, betrayal, lack... and so on. Sit with this and try to understand why you are feeling this underlining emotion. There many be a few and that is ok.

Next see what this underlining emotion/emotions are teaching you. They many be alerting you to trust issues you have and need to work through. Maybe you have low self esteem. Maybe you wronged someone and feel you will be wronged the same way. Whatever it is find the lesson. After you have found the lesson explore how to get the most out of it. Be trusting? Love yourself more? Go for what you want?
Most importantly in order to integrate this anger and the underlining emotion you will need to forgive. Forgive yourself for feeling the emotion and forgive anyone else that was involved past or present.

Now because anger is mostly a cover emotion for an underlying emotion you will have to go through this process a lot. After a few time you will move through it quickly and just know what is happening and what you need to do.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Removing Entities From Home

Yesterday I set out to remove all Elms (4th dimensional entities) from my house. If you have no clue what they are please read my post on troublesome 4th dimensional beings. This was a rather simple process to channel/remember the procedure from past lifetimes. I came in this lifetime with the exosist archetype which means I have done this work in past lifetimes (we are all here remembering what we have learned over lifetimes. We are not here to learn new skills). So I linked in to those lifetimes channeled the necessary information for this type of clearing and went to work.

First I needed the some power symbols (grids), those came to me quickly. I had many of them. After connecting deeper  intuitively I knew the best ones for this case. The 9 are shown here. (While writing this article I realized I had chosen 9 grids. No more and no less would have worked. Number 9 meaning that it is time to end a phase, situation or relationship that is no longer serving you in a positive way. There is no such thing as accidents.)

Grid meanings

Starting from the top left to right the meanings and how I used them in this clearing.

1. Banishing ward used in the first clearing wave.

2. Asking spirits to leave used in first clearing wave.

3. Banishing and transmutting used in the second clearing wave.

4. Banishing and transmutting used in the second clearing wave.

5. Protection from negative entities used to sit on.

6. Stopping negative entities from entering used on doors.

7. Binding entities and energy used in third clearing wave.

8. Binding entities and energy used in third clearing wave.

9. Stopping negative entities from entering used on windows.

Calling in energy

My procedure goes something like this. If you have a way of Energy Healing already use that.

1. Connection to my God self (this is the higher self). Pulling this self within the heart center. Expanding the God self to all cells and energy field. Bringing in as much energy as the body can handle. (This provides a clear channel for energy to flow.)

2. Connection to Earth. See roots of life deep
down into the Earth pull her energy up, including energy of all the crystals on Earth. Bringing in as much as your body can handle. (This grounds your energy lessening the effects of bring in high vibrational energy.)

3. See Source light coming down in and around your body forming protection and increasing Energy. Bringing in as much as your body can handle. (This protects you from beings that are attracted to your light.)


1. Make sure your grids are handy where you can touch or see them. You can also use crystals on them if you want. I set mine up like this with some crystals. (Smokey quartz, rose quartz, lapis, and selenite around me in a circle. Then black tourmaline to hold and a selenite wand.) These are totally optional. Look up what crystals would be best out of your collection or print some off. Remember crystal Energy is transferred through pictures.

2. If you are in a crystal circle activate them now (by touching each one and thinking on). Sit on the protection grid.  Get your Energy Healing activated either by my method above or your own.

3. Start wave one clearing. Using these grids. This is done by touching the grids and asking the entities to leave. Try to see/feel/know if they have left. If they have skip down to protecting the house. If not keep going.

4. Start wave two clearing. Using these grids. Touch the grids and ask them to return to the light of source. You are transmutting them to light, assisting them to return to unconditional love by their choice. Try to see/feel/know if they have transmuted If they have skip down to protecting the house. If not keep going.

5. Start wave three clearing. Using these grids. Touch the grids. In this wave you are forcing them out of your house. You have tried to be nice and now you are binding them up and turning them over to source. Source will either assist them in transmutting or place them somewhere they are not going to hurt others. Try to see/feel/know they are being binded and returned to Source.

Home Protection

Place these grids on the doors and windows of your home. You may place one or both. I used crystals on mine just to bang it up a little.


Entities can and will mess with you during this clearing. I lost many grids off my phone before printing them. I lost physical grids. They kept putting cloaks over things so I couldn't see them. Numerous crystals went missing. And my water spilled on my selenite (they dissolve in water). Though it took me 2 hours to set up, grid my crystals, and do the Clearing I didn't let them bother me. You have to stay unaffected by their tricks. I would say something like "very funny now give me my ..." Just stand in your power as a powerful creator being and they can't touch you. You are a master at manifesting, this is your birth right. Claim it and take your space back. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Troublesome 4th dimensional beings

This picture is similar to what an Elm looks like, but is just a random picture I found. 

Within our house we also have troublesome creatures my son calls Elms. He has been able to see them since he was 2 years old, he is now 10. I cannot see them in this dimension. But when I view from other dimensions I can see them whispering in people ears.

It started out as just one Elm. It  was playful at first, but turned scary pretty fast. It would sit on top of the tv and make him laugh and laugh. He would play hide and seek with it. Often it went everywhere with him. One day he became very scared of it. Years later he told me he tried to pet it and it scratch him. He did have many unexplained scratches.

My son says they are cat like, fury, and sit around the bed at night, they scratch you with big claws. I got rid of the original one with a house cleansing. Since then more have came. We moved last summer and they followed us. When they are more active the fairy's disappear.  (We also have fairy's in this new house).

It is my knowing now that they are 4th dimensional beings feeding off negativity. They are attracted to the amount of anger within the house. My son has a lot of anger at times as well as others in the house. The Elms are more active during more angry times.

They also influence behavior of people. From what I know and see they whisper in the person's ear creating what the person thinks are their own thoughts.... Negative thoughts. Creating more negativity. They are found in areas of the house that negative energy is mostly expressed. They also mess with electrical things. Often I hear the messing with wires at night. They will turn the TV on and off. They hide things from you.

It is my personal experience that if you have the right shielding and your vibration is high enough they can touch you. My son says they are scared of me. They should be too I am not in the business of chasing these guys off anymore. I'm in it to transmute them back into light.

This week I will be testing many grids I made against these guys. They seem to be immune yo the house clearings now. So I'm going to up my game. I have ones to protect the house from infestation and ones to transmute them into light.