Most empaths have a hard time receiving. This is do to them feeling so very deeply. Empaths give love freely when they have not closed off from the world. But the world dose not give love freely. Often the love given is conditional love, this is either consciously or unconsciously.
At an early age empaths learn most people are very self involved and only want to be around you if you have something to offer. Even our parents did this if you are good you get a to be around them if you were not you are grounded to your room. Our whole world is based around conditional love.
As children empaths start to become the givers of the world. They give love freely in hopes to teach the world by example.
Unfortunately this is not how the world acts. The world takes and takes. The empath then becomes uncomfortable receiving anything because they know it almost always comes with conditions. These are either conscious or subconscious but we know they are there. Sometimes the condition is just them calling in a favor sometime down the road. The feeling of being in debt to people is very uncomfortable and most empaths would rather not deal with it. We also know on some level the person feels we must help them if they helped us. We find it is much less hassle to do things on our own then feel the conditions of getting help.
So how do we start to receive? You know everyone does everything for a reason even you. If you have worked with your gift as an empath you will just know the reason why they are doing something for you. Ask yourself if you can accept the reason they have to help you. If so they accept the thing they are trying to help you with. Now if you are not to the point if just knowing what people's motivation is for doing something for you, you are going to have to get uncomfortable. Ask them why they are doing it. Can you live with that reason? If so accept the thing.
It is important to note that not everyone is out to get something from you. People do things for all reasons. Including feeling guilty, wanting to help because it makes them feel good, they are also empathic and can feel you need it, and many more reasons that are not bad.
Start to ask yourself why you are doing things for others. This will help you see that you have a reason for everything you do also. Maybe even go as far as to tell others why you are doing what you are doing. Also in the moment of receiving if you are feeling weird ask yourself why does this feel weird? The more you talk to yourself and get to your feelings the more you can heal. As always in healing yourself you heal the world.
Products that many help you
Note you do not have to buy the produce to use the light code.

Diamond Body Shield
by AwakenedRabbit
Diamond Body Shield Jewelry Box
This is a light code to assist you in protection in the form of a diamond body shield. To use draw, look at, or hold your right hand over. You can also put pictures of people you would like protected in the box. Or write someone's name on a paper and put it in the box.
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