Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Shadow Work

Why do we have shadows?

When we come into this world we are whole. We completely accept ourselves as we are. There has been no part of us that we feel we need to hide. Then we are socialized with family and friends. We begin to see that there are parts of us our family does not approve of. Maybe we cry to much, maybe we are to sensitive, maybe we are self involved... whatever it is we start to see others do not approve of this side of us. As the disapproval builds up we start to disassociate with that aspect our family disapproves of.

These aspects become our shadow side. This also causes our consciousness to split into conscious and subconscious. Once an aspect goes into our subconscious and becomes a shadow we no longer are aware that part of us exists.

It is important to note that not all shadows are negative. We can have hidden talents here as well. If you were born into a family that thought academics were the most important thing and all other stuff was a waste of time. Then you could have had real music talent, drawing, or acting talent and so on that has now become a shadow. You hid these talents way because you were told reading, writing, math were far more important and you were wasting your time fouling around with music, art, acting.

What is shadow work?

Shadow work is just the act of becoming conscious of the subconscious aspects. Becoming aware of the shadow is to become more embodied, more whole as a personality aspect of the soul. This brings you closer to enlightenment. If you are interested in ascending you will need to do this work. Shadow work brings you into a whole self loving personality aspect of the soul, fully self loving and integrated.

How do we do shadow work?

The shadow side wants to be integrated and will make itself know many times. With the law of attraction you will attract experiences that will make enable you to see your shadow side. The subconscious uses the law of attraction far more then the conscious. These will keep coming up until you integrate this part of yourself. The best way to see this is to watch your triggers. When something makes you over the top mad this is a trigger. Ask yourself in the moment if possible:
  1. What am I feeling? This is not just mad. There is a reason for mad. Is it not being heard? Is it abandonment? Is this lack of love? Really get in there find underlining feeling.
  2. When was the last time you felt this?
  3. When was the first time you remember feeling this? Keep going back through the memories until you have found this first time or few times. Here is when the shadow was born.
Make a shadow work journal

Sometimes in this work you will only get a piece of the shadow. This will not fully integrate the aspect. A lot of the time we will need to look at many trigger situations to get a full picture of the aspect wanting integrated. Because of this a journal would be very helpful for you to keep track.


Someone said they would do the house work today. You could have done it, but they were being nice and wanted to help. You go about your day and realize that night it wasn't done. You get very upset. "why do I even trust others to help out they always let me down. If you want something done do it yourself."

  1. STOP! Get out your journal this is a trigger. Note the situation and go through the questions.
  2. What am I feeling? Really get in there find underlining feeling. Let down? Untrusting?
  3. When was the last time you felt this? Maybe you don't know write that.
  4. When was the first time you remember feeling this? Maybe you don't know write that.
A week later or so someone said they would cook dinner. Dinner time comes and it is not started. The kids are hungry and your getting mad.

  1. STOP! Get out your journal this is a trigger. Note the situation and go through the questions.
  2. What am I feeling? Really get in there find underlining feeling. Let down? Untrusting?
  3. When was the last time you felt this? Write down the house cleaning time.
  4. When was the first time you remember feeling this? Maybe now you get a memory of being let down as a kid. Write that down.
Now you know this shadow has to do with being let down and not being able to trust others. Now its so clear why you are so independent. Independent is good, but we have to trust others we are co-creators. Now if this is super deep inner child work may be in order. Or you can try to just start to notice when you trusted others and they came through. Every time you experience trust in someone that worked out make a mental note or it can be put in the journal.

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