For starters we are multidimensional beings in that we are living many lives at the same time. For every choice you make there is a timeline that you made a different choice. Many of the timelines are pretty similar and you are not limited to just one timeline. In fact so you ascend you are subconsciously jumping timelines to one that better fits your soul growth.
With each chaotic event there is a potential for multiple timelines to come to a crossroads. The crossroads are called time nodes. You have a great opportunity to jump timelines at these crossroads. With the state of this planet there are many time nodes emerging. If you were to take advantage of this on a conscious level you could greatly increase your ascension.
Quickly how to consciously jump timelines
- Figure out a timeline you wish to go into. Just think of some aspects you would like to see like love.
- Move your vibration to that of the aspects. See it everywhere, be it, know it...
- Lock into the vibration. Feel this new vibration, live this vibration. This takes practice. This timeline will try to hold you in and low your vibration for reasons we will not go into just yet. You need to release all fear and blocks to this new vibration.
- Now hold this vision of the new timeline no matter what your senses tell you. This will take practice and build up the energy needed to jump. This is not an overnight kind of thing.
Another way to jump half conscious half subconscious
Your intuition is more important then you realize. This is your guide to times when you can jump timelines. Your intuition guides you to time node points making it easier to jump timelines and get what you desire.
What is the mandala effect?
In a nutshell it is many people remembering thing that never took place or have been changed. This was very interesting to me so I looked around and came up with a short list of things I have noticed.
- To me Hitler's eye were always brown. I found it odd that a man with dark hair and brown eyes wanted a blue eye blond hair nation. NOW his eyes are blue.
- To me Minster Rodger's song went "its a beautiful day in the neighborhood". NOW the song goes "its a beautiful day in this neighborhood". I guess this is how it has always gone.
- To me when I was in anatomy and physiology the heart was on the left in the human body. This is why during the pledge of allegiance you put your left hand on the left side. NOW it is in the center of the chest only slightly on the left. Makes more sense for the heart chakra.
- To me the eyes in the human went all the way through, you could see through to the back of the head. NOW there is a bone behind the eyes.
- To me the lower 2 or 3 ribs never connected to the sternum. NOW they all connect to the sternum.
- To me the stomach was in the center. NOW the stomach is in the left side.
- To me kit-kat was spelled that way. NOW it is KitKat
- To me it was the Bearenstein bears. NOW it is the Bearenstain bears.
- I remember Jiffy peanut butter and it change to Jif when I was little. NOW it has always been Jif peanut butter and there never was a Jiffy.
- To me Oscar Meyer was spelled this way. NOW it has always been Oscar Mayer.
- To me Fruit loops was always spelled this way. NOW it is Froot Loops.
- To me Captain Crunch was always spelled this way. NOW it is Cap'n Crunch.
- To me there was always 52 states. Washington DC and New England were states. NOW there is 50.
- To me the Sketchers shoes were always spelled this way. NOW they are missing the "t".
- To me in star track a famous line was "beam me up scotty". NOW it never happened.
- To me the candy was always spelled Mike n Ike. NOW it is Mike and Ike.
- To a famous line in I Love Lucy was "Lucy you have some splaining to do" said by Ricky. NOW it never happened.
- To me cup o noodles was spelled this way. NOW it is cup noodles.
- To me the adults diapers was spelled depends. NOW it is just depend.
- TO me curious George had a tail. NOW he doesn't.
- To me there was a movie with Sinbad called Shazaam. NOW it never happened there is a movie with Shaq called Kazaam.
- To me a famous line in Star Wars is"Luke I am your father.". NOW the line goes "No I am your father."
- To me the show was called sex in the city. NOW it is sex and the city.
- To me in the movie the field of dreams the famous line is" if you build it they will come." NOW it goes "if you build it he will come."
- To me in the movie Forest Gump the famous line is "life is like a box of chocolates". NOW the line goes "life was like a box of chocolates."
- To me the movie The Adams Family was spelled this way. NOW it is the Addams family.
What is causing this mandala effect?
After some major research I have come up with 3 reasons why this is happening it is my true belief that all 3 are the cause. Now hear me out because things are going to sound like a syfy movie. I will start with the easiest to comprehend and move on from there.
- The ascension process- as I explained earlier in the timeline part of this post as you ascend you jump up in timelines. Each timeline is slightly different so these public things could be different. Also in your personal life things might be different like people personalities and their memories of you. It is these little changes to look for and you will know that you have jumped a timeline.
- The quantum computer- there are a few of these computers. One of the special things about this computer is it can open little door ways so to speak to parallel timelines. The people operating this computer can grab things from these other places and bring it here. This is then altering our timeline. Why aren't people noticing? This has to do with the awakening. People that have awakened are more aware of what is happening around them. People that are asleep are more willing to believe what is told to them. With this they are then altering timelines. This ties into the 3rd reason.
- CERN- this is a big underground facility that do a lot of things. I will only state the things that apply to this post. First this is not just 1 facility there are about 13 with 2 in the US. What they have found is everything is made of matter (ok we all know that, but quickly this matter is like the light everyone spiritual is talking about. This is the good in us). Now what they also found is everything is made of anti-matter (this is the negative side. We also have this in us). They have discovered we can get energy from both. The more energy you pull from one the more you become like that, this is always changing. Now they know that this anti-matter is completely unstable the only way to control it is to contain it. This anti-matter also causes us to react in a negative way and it attracts negative beings. They have learned that if one gets loose it will effect others no matter where they are in the world. With this anti-matter they are doing a kind of forced and controlled ascension to those that are still asleep. So the powers to be can still be in control. Everyone that wants to stay here on Earth must ascend to the 5th dimension since the Earth is, she will not support life in the 3D reality once she gets integrated in 5D. Not all souls will choose to ascend and will need to get back it the death cycle. Some souls will opt for this forced ascension to experience this kind of control. Some will do an ascension themselves. This is all a soul choice and can be changed at anytime. So what I am getting at is the ones experiencing the mandala effect are awake and experience their own ascension.
I am curious if anyone has experienced these changes or any other ones. Be let me know.