It is very important to remember that there is a front and back to the chakras and they do different things. The front is present and future, the symptoms and current illness. The back is the past, the root cause of the illness, the past experiences and energy build up. The front hold logic and the limation of the human plane. the back holds limitlessness and freedom form earthly constraints. The front is the conscious the back is the unconscious. The fron must follow the laws of physics the back is unlimited (this is where manifestation becomes easier).
- The first chakra is the root, located at the bottom of the spine. This chakra deals with survival. The color for this chakra is red. To stimulate try gardening, grounding, sleep, or red foods. Crystals - hematite, black, obsidian, black tourmaline, red zincite, garnet, smokey quartz.Questions to ask yourself to see if the root is blocked. Am I living my life or surviving my life? Is there something else I would rather be doing? How resistant am I to change? Have I been called stubborn, controlling, indecisive, or undisciplined? Are my thoughts all material?
- The second chakra is the sacral, located in the lower belly. It's related to the spleen. This chakra deals with feelings and sexual energy. The color is orange. To stimulate try massage, getting creative, or orange clothes. Crystals - orange calcite, carnelian. Questions to ask yourself. What am I attracted to? Does it serve me? Is my need for pleasure and experience under control? Do I deny myself pleasure? Do I empathize well with others?
- The third chakra is the solar plexus, located in the upper belly. It's related to will power. The color is yellow. To stimulate try challenging the mind, lots of sun, or eating yellow food. Crystals -citrine, yellow jasper, golden calcite. Questions to ask yourself. Am I comfortable leading or following? Do I have problems saying no? How important is being right? Do I avoid conflict?
- The fourth chakra is the heart, located in the center of the chest. This chakra deals with unconditional love. It's color is green. To stimulate try nature walks, acts of unconditional love, doing things you love, or eat green food. Crystals- rose quartz, tourmaline, malachite, green adventurine. Questions to ask yourself. Am I comfortable giving? What does it take to let down my defenses? Do I need others to fill my emotional needs? What must happen for me to feel truly loved? Do I truly love people as they are?
- The fifth chakra is the throat, located in the throat. It deals with communication. It's color is blue. To stimulate try expressing your truth, singing, or blue clothes. Crystals - sodaliite, blue calcite, blue kyanite. Questions to ask yourself. Is my overall breathing regular? Do people understand me when I speak? Do I talk too much? Do I have too much pride? Do I make promises and not keep them? Do I lie a lot? Is it hard to listen to others?
- The sixth chakra is the third eye, located in the forehead between brows. This chakra deals with intuition. It's color is indigo. To stimulate try seeing the aura, listening to your intuition, or indigo clothes. Crystals - lapis, azurite, sugilite.Questions to ask yourself. Have I escaped usin drugs, alcohol, or tv? To I give my imagination too much time? Is my memory good? Do I suffer from a mental disorder?
- The seventh chakra is the crown, located at the crown of the head. This chakra deals with accessing the divine. It's color is violet. To stimulate try meditation, letting the shower hit the top of your head, violet clothes.Crystals- amethyst, white calcite, white topaz. Questions to ask yourself. Do I have a lack of control in my body, mind, and spirit? Have am I running my life? Am I still living under controls and conditioning? Are there remaining fears in my path? Is my ego still demanding control?
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