Antarian Healing Oracle

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Healing the emotional body

The emotional body is one of the many layers of bodies we have. The emotional body is who we are at an emotional level past and present. It is the bridge between our feeling self and thinking self. It interprets our thoughts and creates feeling signatures. These feeling signatures allow us to experience our thoughts as real.

When the emotional body is hurt it will keep bringing up these feelings again and again into manifestation. These feelings that keep coming up are your emotional body asking you to become whole again. To heal this part of you. But please don't approach this as I need to fix this part of me. The emotional body will be hurt by that too. It just wants you to embrace the emotions. Be present and sit with them as they come up. This is the process of integration. Do this for 20 minutes or so. Feel what they want you to feel and see what they want you to see. Tell them I am completely here with you now.

When you have done that ask how do I feel? When was the last time I felt this? When was the first time I felt this?

If you get a memory that pops up of you as a child. Go sit with that child in your head. Give that part of you a hug. Try to explain things form your point of view now. By altering the memory this way you are altering the blue print of the memory thus healing it.

If you don't have time for this and an emotion just pops up you can try this process. Everyone has a 4 step process to their emotions. 

  1. you experience something
  2. your mind tells a story about it
  3. have the emotions 
  4. have a behavior

It goes something like this: 
  1. Your boyfriend is late to meet you. 
  2. You start to think "he is always late. Am I not worth being on time for?"
  3. Start to feel mad 
  4. You just get up and leave
A lot of people will skip observing steps 2 and 3. Then go right from him being late to leaving. True healing comes from steps 2 and 3. Your mind causes over reaction in its stories it likes to tell. Most of the time these stories are not based on fact. It is what or ego has decided it has seen. These stories are not helpful and when we get caught up in them we only prolong our pain.You can avoid over reacting by stepping into the feelings you are having. 

  1. Say what am I feeling? Name the feeling
  2. Ask what does it feel like in my body? Tingling? warm? cold? ...
  3. Release resistance by going into this feeling. Experience it fully.
This feeling will change on its own and when it does follow it. start over at number 1. What am I feeling?Do this until you find a happy feeling. Now if the feeling wont change you are going to need to give it room to change. Breath into the feeling then expand it into the room. This will give the feeling room to change. Sometimes our bodies are like a cage for feeling and they need more room. Try to stay away from the story. If you get caught up in the story you need to open your eyes and come back to the room. Breath and start again with the last feeling you had before the story took over. The story is egos way of saying hi look at me. 

I do this trick with my kids. It really seems to get them out of a funk.  

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