Antarian Healing Oracle

Sunday, May 5, 2019

May's Healing Astrology

What's going on this month:

I will try to post grids and healing techniques for each of these. I have the new moon done I will update this page as I complete them.

  • May 4th New Moon. Time to look at money and possessions. What do you value? What makes you happy? Find your self-worth. Reconnecting to nature, the body, and the world. Go here for more
  • May 5th 5.5 portal. Anchor 5d templates. Divine feminine embodying ascension codes allowing for clearing false beliefs of codependency. Karmic relationships will be tested hard. All not aligned with unconditional love will be exposed. Review and let go of patterns shown to you. This is the start of ascension seed activation.
3 Frequency grids to assist with this portal and activations that are occurring.

  • May 6th Mercury enters Taurus. Impossible to change decisions made during this time. 
  • 8th MERCURY IN TAURUS CONJUNCT URANUS IN TAURUS intuition heightened. May pick up on unconscious things. 
  • 13th SUN IN TAURUS TRINE PLUTO IN CAPRICORN create a new path or influence current paths
  • May 15 Mars enters Cancer. Combo of sensitive and defensive energy.
  • May 15th Venus enters Taurus. Love and money harmony. 
  • May 18 Full Moon. Self realizations. Relationship imbalance realizations. 
  • 21st SUN AND MERCURY ENTER GEMINI. Next 4 weeks get out and enjoy life. 
  • May 21st Pluto and Chiron form a quintile. Creative growth problem solving. 
  • May 22nd Neptune forms a trine with the North Node of the Moon. Intuition and spiritual growth. Release what's holding you back. 
  • 29th MERCURY IN GEMINI SQUARE NEPTUNE IN PISCES messed up communications possible unconscious decisions.
  • 30th MERCURY IN GEMINI OPPOSITION JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS. Messed up communications. Be grounded in and think through decisions.


  • Jupiter retrograde April 10th and August 11th in Sagittarius. Consciousness expansion. Bringing truths to the surface.
  • Pluto retrograde April 24 in Capricorn until October 3 reflect control in life. Make sure you are controlling you and not others. Controlling patterns will surface. The deeper the pattern the harder it will hit. Watch emotions and release patterns.
  • Saturn retrograde APRIL 29h SEPTEMBER 6th in CAPRICORN lord of karma in play... facing limits, boundaries, and denial. Face challenges with new strategy.

May 4th 2019 New Moon

This new moon says it time to look at money and possessions. Start to sort out what you value. What is important to you on a deeper level then you just needing or wanting it. What makes you happy?

This new moon also asks us to find our self-worth. What makes you special? What can you offer the world? Finding these answers will lead you to your soul mission. When you are walking the path of your soul mission life becomes easier. You are doing what you love everyday.

We are being asked to reconnect to nature. Get out and garden, watch the birds, walk in the sun…. Reconnect to your body as well. Really try to feel how the foods you eat make your body feel. Were you even hungry? Or did you eat because it was dinner time? Honor your body. Start to try to separate the needs of the body from the addictions of the body.

Integration grid

This channeled frequency grid is vibrationally infused to request assistance from your soul matrix to assist in deep healing through the moon phases. With this moon phase you will to start to sort out what is important to you. Allowing you to step on and deeper into your soul path. It allows for awareness to open up within you to find your self-worth.

The grid is a call to the soul matrix to Start the release process of all implants related to the energy the moon phase is presenting at that moment. With this moon phase you will start to release craving of money and things. We collect so much that is not needed. It allows you to release implants of self doubt. Allowing you to see the real you and let it shine. And lastly it integrates a better understanding and communication of the body and mind and of self to soul matrix.

To use this frequency grid

Use one or all:

  • Meditate with by looking at the grid or by holding it over your heart chakra.
  • Hold your left hand over breath in allow the grid energies to travel t through your palm chakra, up your arm, and to your heart chakra. 
  • Place under your pilliw while sleeping. This sends a message to your soul matrix that you would like to work on this integration. Pay close attention to dreams. Also pay close attention to any aches or pain upon awakening. This is where stuck energy is located. Move your right hand over the area in a counterclockwise direction. This releases the stuck energy.
Request a frequency grid

The moon card

The moon card goes deep within the self. Connecting to the inner child to start to bring behavioral patterns to the surface that are creating a reality you don't want. Once you can consciously see these patterns you can start to integrate them and release the hold they once had on you.

The patterns that are release are directly related to the moon phase at the time of viewing the card. So in this post at this moment in time it is related to self-worth and what is important to you. But this will change as the moon phases change.

To use the energies of this card do one or all: cards found at
Awakened Rabbit Etsy shop

  • Meditate with by looking at the grid or by holding it over your heart chakra.
  • Hold your left hand over breath in allow the grid energies to travel t through your palm chakra, up your arm, and to your heart chakra. 
  • Place under your pilliw while sleeping. This sends a message to your soul matrix that you would like to work on this integration. Pay close attention to dreams. Also pay close attention to any aches or pain upon awakening. This is where stuck energy is located. Move your right hand over the area in a counterclockwise direction. This releases the stuck energy.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Mental blocks - oracle game reading

Did a healing oracle game for everyone. This is what came up…

What fears should I face?
Innocent child- The shadow side to the innocent child is the inability to see miracles and that bad situations can turn good. There's also an attitudes of pessimism and depression.

Most of us are afraid of our imagination. We have been taught from a young age that the is make believe and not real. In reality this is the key to energy healing, astral travel, meditation, fun, and love. Reawaken your imagination.

Today's major lesson?
Heart chakra- Am I comfortable giving? What does it take to let down my defenses? Do I need others to fill my emotional needs? What must happen for me to feel truly loved? Do I truly love people as they are?

The heart chakra is all about love of self and others. We are being told to spread love to others and self. Forgive if it is needed.

What is my shadow side creating?
Gifts to the world- These contracts will hold the gifts that you are already equipped with to present to the world. These are things that you offer to the world. This can be art, music, an amazing academic abilities, healing, make people laugh, psychic... and so on. These contracts also hold the potential for gifts that you are to awakened with in this lifetime. Sometimes we stumble onto these gifts accidentally and sometimes we are pushed to awaken in them.

You have placed a gift in your shadow side. You have pushed it deep down for fear that it will not be accepted. And in truth not all will accept it. That's fine the ones who don't have many programs that do not allow them to see your gift. Most people are trained to maintain the status quo. We are here to break free. Search deep down to find this gift. All it to come out.

My behavioral blocks
Third ray- The third Ray is of creative and active intelligence. This ray is to assist you in feeling love so you made manifest Higher vibrations in your life. It brings illumination into the physical mind allowing you to let go of the lower vibrational energies. It will assist in removing lower vibrational energies cleansing and healing you.

You have a creative block in your life. You should do something that pushes you to be creative and show love to yourself and others.

Healing emotional blocks
Earth Integration- Earth is now in the 5th dimension. It is time to let go of the 3rd dimensional reality and even 4th dimensional reality you are holding on to. Letting go of fear and separation for these no longer serve you. You are now called to remember you are not this body, you are an ever powerful spark of energy.

In order to heal your emotional blocks you must let go of fear. Let go of fear of losing, unloved, abandonment, greed, lack… let go of all the ego chatter that keeps putting you down, feeding you with more fear. Allow yourself to feel at one with yourself first. Loving all of you. Then feel at one with all.

Mental blocks
Alchemists Archetype- The alchemist archetype is about seeking spiritual transformation.

You are think you can not go any further. Maybe you are trying but your mind keeps getting in the way. Saying the path must be done this way or that. You must find you own way to spiritual transformation. Mine is through healing and showing other ways to heal. Yours maybe studying the universal laws.

Healing mental blocks
Mars Integration- This planet affects our
raw energy, action, desire, aggression, sexual desires, attraction, impatience, impulsiveness, rash decision, forceful energy, and adventurous attitude.

Through finding your desires you will release the raw energy required to heal your mental blocks. Which we found out in this reading was spiritual transformation. Take time to find what you really like to do. My guess is this is going to be the shadow side gift to the world.

This reading really seems to be pointing to your mental blocks. I would and am going to use the Mars, gifts to the world, and alchemists cards under my pillow tonight for sure to gain insight. They all feed together though. If you face your fears of your imagination (the innocent child and earth cards) you can open more freely to you shadow side. Perhaps this is the creative point thing the heart chakra and the third ray are talking about. So when they are all together you get a amazing energy that really opens the door for you.

Print out all or some of the coloring pages and meditate and them, place under pillow, hang where you can see them, energy heal with them, or crystal with them. Or print the colored pic and do one of the above.

Energy healing with them could look like breathing all or some into the heart chakra. Hold and release into energy field with the intention of finding your talents. Or you can allow the grids to come into your left palm and heal you. Or just see this these in and around your energy field.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Remove Entity in Divine Child Archetype Program

Yesterday I was doing a inner child interview and found that I have an entity within my divine child archetype program. So last night I set out to figure out how I'm getting rid of this little guy.

What is an entity?

I think of these as a virus, bacteria, or parasite. They are most of the time pretty out of site and cause minor energetic issues. Most of the time you are unaware of them. Some however can cause destructive behavior, disease, and even death in extreme cases of years of destructive behavior.

What is an archetype program?

Think of you body and energetics system as a computer. You need different programs to run your computer. We are this way our soul plugs in different programs to get different experiences.

We are composed of many programs running in different areas of your system like the bodies, chakras, physical body, DNA, and do on. Other then the archetype programs we have zodiac, numerological, ego, planets even come in and out influencing the programs we have to name a few.

What would an entity do in the divine child archetype?

This archetype is all about connection to the higher self. This entity could be there to stop connection. Or to gather information for some other source. Or to suck energy coming in (pretty sure this is my problem).

What do we do?

There are a few choices:
  1. Use the code. You can write this down and take with you or place under a pillow. You can write it on you minor or hand somewhere. You can crystal grid with it. Placing crystals on or around it. You can energy heal with it. You can write it on you your left palm or right back of hand are energy vortexes going in.
  2. You can print out the color frequency grid. Do one of #1.
  3. Color the black and white copy do one of #1

Antarian Healing technique

  1. Grab one of the grids or code place it on your heart chakra or just see it there.
  2. On an in breath bring it in your heart chakra.
  3. Hold there for at least 3 sec.
  4. Release into your kathara grid (Google this if your like what the check is that) or just intend for the grid or code to find the entity.
  5. Do this daily for 21 days
coloring grid

color copy


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Removing Implants from Chakras

What are implants

Implants are energetic devices that are placed within our being, our aura, or our energetic channels. These types of implants are placed within a different dimensions so you will not see these on a physical level. It is possible to train yourself to use extrasensory to see and feel them. These implants are similar to a computer chip in that they run different programs to make us think,  feel, speak, and behave certain ways. Often patterns in our lives are caused by an implant.

Implants can be placed by your own soul before birth or during the lifetime. Often these are related to karma that will need to be cleared. There are implants related to spiritual growth as well that you are meant to break free of. To do this you must learn and grow through your lessons and experiences.

Some implants are placed by beings that are protectors of the universes. These are here because of mutations within our DNA. These mutations cause us to act in a low vibration manner. Low vibrational behavior has no place on higher planes of existence. They are often called seals. A couple of common ones are  the checkerboard mutation and 666 seal. These can be removed by healing of the DNA mutation, raising your vibration, acting in love, following the law of one, and service to others among many other things.

There are beings of the service to self side that place implants to control us and/or harvest our energy. These keep us stuck within the third dimensional reality. We become stuck within a lower vibration. These can be removed by all techniques mentions and pure intention alone.

Lastly you can place implants in and around yourself by creations of beliefs. If you have a religion or did, if you believe you are supposed to behave a sort of way, or if you have repressed parts of yourself you have some. If you've ever been sick you have some. So pretty much everyone has some because this is how our reality works. These can be removed by any of the ways mentioned already.

It is important to note that your chakras are energetic implants. The chakras are useful for spiritual growth therefore in this place and time do not need to be removed. The chakras can get implants and most likely do have implants.

What are Chakras

A chakra is an energy vortex, bring in and pushing out energy. These are located within the emotional body. Chakras 2-6 have a cone at the front and back. Chakra 1 has a cone facing down and chakra 7 has a cone facing up. Chakras 1 and 7 are actually 1 chakra, but are considered two. The cones link together at the smallest points in the central body current. This is a flow of energy up the middle of the body. Each chakra connects to a Seed Crystal Seal within the Kathara grid (our framework for our physical manifestation).

The chakras each have a color of the dimensional field it is associated with. In order 1 through 7 the colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These are dimensions 1 through 7. To a lesser degree each chakra will have colors of the dimensions below it.

Through the Chakras we create this reality. But the chakras are keeping us in a phase lock as well. They are keeping us stuck within this reality, unable to ascend. Through clearing these implants and working through your inner demons you can release the Seed Crystal Seals thus lifting phase lock. When this happens the cones of the chakra move through each other to form a little merkaba.
Continued release of the seals in the chakras causes the kathara lines, hova bodies, shields, aura, identity levels, and DNA to merge. This is the activation of the Merkaba vehicle.
Process #1

A helpful process that I channeled was very simple and effective.

  • Get a goal in mind. What is stuck in your life that needs shifting?
  • print off the implant removal chakra grids(Seen here) on index cards. This way you can write on the back and paint it or color it.
  • Grab some tarot cards. (We have some here)
  • Optional- find a tarot spread that fits your goal. It may be helpful to have a short one.
  • Layout your chakra grids. Place one tarot card on each grid. These represent the implant that is in that chakra. Or lay out a tarot spread over each grid to get a more detailed look at the implant.
  • Go through and find the meaning for each tarot card and write it on the back of the grid.

Process #2

This process can be used with process #1 or alone. It starts out the same. If you are using it with process #1 use it at the end and skip the first 3 steps since you already did them.

  • Get a goal in mind. What is stuck in your life that needs shifting?
  • print off the implant removal chakra grids(Seen here) on index cards. This way you can write on the back and paint it or color it.
  • Grab some tarot cards. (We have some here)
  • Get our oracle game question cards or make your own. (Ours here FREE download)
  • Mix and draw a question card for each chakra grid.
  • Draw a tarot card to answer the question card.
  • Find the mean for each and write on the back of the grids.

Finishing up both processes

After you have finished getting an idea of the implants keeping you stuck there are some things that can help you release. You can choose one or any combo of these to help you get the most of this energy.

  • Place grids under your pillow and record dreams you have. Dreams are a great teacher and guide from your higher self. These can help show you the way to release the implants.
  • Really search inside to see what you can change in your life for the better. What truth did the cards have? What can you do better? Then do it everyday.
  • Spend time in meditation with the grids at least once a week. Everyday is best.
  • Hang the grids on the wall and touch each one at least once a day. Reminding yourself to make the shift in life.
  • Use the grids with crystal grids.
  • Place the grids on the chakras. Allowing the energy to assist in shifting your reality.
  • Color the grids in anyway that comes to you.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Silicate Matrix

This is a genetic code within some human DNA. Also referred to as the crystal gene. This is a small part of junk DNA and does need to be activated. Not all humans have this code. Out of the humans that do not all can handle the activation process.

This code allows once activated the human to have the potential of the original 12 strand DNA of the Tara-human called the Turaneusiam. This code also allows for transmutation of form, acceleration of evolution, the potential to transverse time portals and interdimensional passageways without the deterioration of form. They have a predisposition to multidimensional perception, interdimensional communication, and abductions of a soul agreement kind.

This is not a natural gene to the human. It was given to ones of our past that carried the greatest potential within their DNA to be able to activate this code. This was done through interstellar seeding. Some beings called the Zionities came to our past from our future and breed with the humans. This then created the potentially of this code getting into the human DNA.

The Zionities have intermingled with the Egyptians and Sumerians. They also shared knowledge with the humans at this time. The Zionities are a hybrid of Zeta, humans, and Aethien. They are a master race and very good at time travel. The Zeta are the Grey's people see though they are other colors. The ones people see the most are the service to self type working with the government. The ones involved here are on the service to others side. The Aethien are highly evolved teachers. They teach about service to others and the law of one. They are a Mantis like being. Any of these beings you can all on for assistance.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Crazy drivers grids to help

So today I have noticed an extra amount of people driving crazy. I ask why are this people driving crazy? That has to do with the prostitute archetype. This is really no surprise. People are selling all their time for money. They work ridculious hours just to pay for more or better stuff. Claiming they are giving their family a better life. In reality. They are selling their family time so they can make money.

Then I ask what would help them? The causal body came up. Again this is no surpise. The causal body is this house of karma, belief systems, and the connection to the soul matrix. We believe we need to make money to be happy. Money helps easy the worries, but you don't need the all the new stuff. You don't need a new car every year. These are programs that serve no purpose but keep you busy and not focusing on personal growth.

To use these grids look at them, hold your hands over, or meditate on. Allow the energy to flow and be open to the new ideas that may come to you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Soul Matrix

The Soul and Personalities

The soul has 12 personalities. I have spoke of this before. The 12 personalities are the avatars in which the soul experiences life and thus evolves. You are a personality. Not all personalities are within this time/space in which we call Earth.

Personalities connect to the soul through a cord of energy. This cord runs through the core identity of the personality held in the soul matrix (the place the soul and 12 personalities are when not incarcerated). Then extends to a sac at the end, which wraps around the personality. This is called a tissue capsule or Nadis. The sac has all the life force energy for a lifetime. It has 2 inner layers called the mental and emotional bodies. Life force flows from the sac to the mental and emotional bodies then to the physical body. If you have blocks within these bodies the flow will slow to the physical and cause disease.

Personality Double

To make things even more complex each personality has a double in a parallel universe. This is the antiparticle part of the personality called the light body or the Dolar Imprint. The personality and the light body are considered one identity package. All personalities and light bodies make up your soul family.

Soul Matrix Transplant

The soul matrix is where the soul and personalities are when not incarcerated. This can be seen as the soul being a bud on a tree and the personalities being the leaves around the bud.

The tree itself would be the Time Matrix (where the soul gets energy). The branches would be the dimensions. Going out farther world the tree is in would be the Energy Matrix (where the Time Matrix gets energy). So without getting to deep into this we are one very small part that is part of another very small part of all creation.

About 20 million years ago humans were in bad shape evolution wise. Our DNA was mutated really bad and were now unable to ascend. Different soul matrix families (groups of soul matrices) were called in to help from other dimensions and harmonic universes. These guys can in and retrained many personalities and the souls. Some of this was done by breeding out the mutated DNA or with different healing and activations.

Some personalities needed a soul matrix transplants. They took the personality and plugged it into a different soul matrix. This way the personality can still get energy. Yet other soul matrices were cut off from the time matrix, they were dying. These needed the entire soul to be transplanted. Some souls were lost, but many made it.

Side Effects

When moving from the personalities original soul matrix to the new one memory and programs were lost within the DNA and cellular memory. This memory and programs were of all experienced, learned, and to be learned from the soul. New memories and programs were then placed in the DNA. This involved all memories and programs from the new soul matrix. All original material from the soul was left within the DNA, it was just disassemble. This way when the humans evolved enough they can resemble the DNA and get back on track and reconnect them to their original soul matrix families.

What we are going through right now is the resembling of our DNA. This is why a lot of people are having trouble connecting with their soul. They are actually disconnected from it. Ask your guides to assist you in rebuilding your DNA to get that connection.

Another side effect is causing many problems in society today. This is the bleeding through of memories from the original soul matrix. These people suffer from multiple personalities and illnesses like this. They are unable to hold on to one incarnation and bounce between a few. Another reason for these illnesses are people actually being channels or seeing through the dimensional veils.

Our goal now is to gain connection to our souls again. Then we can start to build the 12 strand DNA. The original gunman had 12 strand DNA. They were called the Taran-Turaneusiam. We were made to be the guardians creators of Tara. Tara is a counter part of Earth. Tara is what Earth and our whole planetary system is ascending into.

Monday, January 7, 2019

How are we disempowering ourselves

I asked how are people disempowering themselves these 2 integration cards came up. Very interesting... Cancer has a lot of insecurity issues. This is true with most people if not all. We have been programmed not to trust ourselves. To blindly follow what we are told is right.

It is time to stop relying on others to tell you what to do. Pick yourself up, dust off, and start taking action in life. Make your life what you want it to be. If you see injustices do something about it. Don't ask for more laws. Make the change in your life. Lead by example.

Etheric body is the energy system for the physical body. This is an exact replica of the physical. Everything has an etheric body. This body has 3 major components: nadis, chakras, and an aura.

There are 72,000 minor nadis in your body. The nadis form a barrier between the physical and astral planes. If you have taken part in lower vibrational activities like drinking or drugs (includes drugs from the doctor) this is most likely is broken. Lower vibrational beings can now affect you easier. They probably have made a home within your etheric body.

You have a chakra for every joint, every organ, and every gland. The chakras and nadis feed each other energy. These are not the main chakras those are in the emotional body. A lot of diseases will start with energy blockages here.

To use these grids look at, hold your hand over, or meditate on them. It is really fun to see yourself within them as well. This give an amazing vibrational boost.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Innocent Child Archetype integration

Today we are asked to start to integrate the Innocent child archetype. Integration of aspects is the way to ascension. In order to ascend one must become whole to a certain point among other things and this involves integration.

The innocent child is both enchanted and enchanting to others. They see the beauty in all things around them. To them magic is everywhere. They're able to embody aspects of wisdom and courage in the face of difficult times. The innocent child has a powerful imagination and believes everything is possible.

The shadow side to the innocent child is the inability to see miracles and that bad situations can turn good. There's also an attitudes of pessimism and depression.  The innocent child can also retreat completely into a fantasy world.

See the grid becoming 3rd dimensional around you. Close your eyes at anytime and just sit in this space. If the image moves or changes shape it is fine. It is changing to match a frequency that better matches your vibrational state at that point in time. You may receive information on how you need to take action to better integrate the archetype energy.

This card is part of my integration deck and the archetype integration card pack found at

Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Halls of Amenti

If you have read the emerald tablets you have heard of the halls of Amenti. (Side note Thoth is on the service to self side. If you read anything associated with him use caution. Some teaching have truth to it and some are very harmful to your DNA and energetic makeup.) The halls of Amenti have to do with the Tara and Earth connection. (Read about that here.)

When Tara blew up parts of the planets grid and parts of the souls that were in the area of the explosion fell in vibration to our universe. (Tara being in harmonic universe 2 and we are in harmonic universe 1. Read about that here.) The service to others guys on Tara (the Ceres, the Ur-Tarrantates, and the Lumains of Mu) with the assistance of the Sirian Council, Elohim, harmonic universe 2 Pleiadians, and other harmonic universe 2 beings all came up with a plan to rescue the souls that were now trapped in this universe. This rescue group is referred to as the Palaidorians or the Covenant of Palaidor. During the blast the souls of Tara had their consciousness blown apart. They were now fragmented souls ripped apart from their morphogenetic fields. They were unable to ascend naturally back to Tara.

The Covenant of Palaidor came to Earth about 550 million years ago. Through Keylontic science they turned their bodies into one pure energy field of consciousness. This served as the morphogenetic field prototype for the Tara 12 strand DNA (also called Turancusiam 12 strand DNA). There was also Keylontic Time codes within this morphogenetic field. These allow the lost pieces of the soul to be reassembled. This took on a Sphere shape and is known as the Sphere of Amenti.

These guys then set up a interdimensional time portal within the Sphere of Amenti between Earth's core in dimension 2 and Tara's core in dimension 5. Later about 25 million years ago 5 more portals were created. This area has many names: the Sphere of Amenti, the halls of Amenti (referring to the 6 portals), the Staff of Amenti (referring to the blue flame explained next), and many others. All planets in our solar system have a set up like this, they are named different things based on the grid fragments they contains.

Within the Sphere of Amenti is a blue flame. This is the fragment piece of Tara's grid. It is made of 4th and 5th dimensional standing wave frequencies. These appear as an electric blue flame.

In short the Sphere of Amenti is the key to individual and planetary ascension. It is the key to evolution on this planet. Getting through the Sphere is the purpose of life. We are those souls and we are trying to get home. Well most of us… there are service to self beings here that do not want to ascend or cannot ascend without proper effort towards service to others. Others are on different missions or here assisting in many ways.

Pick an integration

#1 Divine Child

The Divine Child archetype is associated with innocence, Purity, and Redemption. This archetype suggest that the child is in touch with its Divine self or higher self. Someone that receives guidance from their higher self.

The shadow side of the Divine Child is the inability to defend yourself against negative forces. It is the expression of anger, manifestation of injustice, and ignorance. You can no longer reach your higher self foreknowledge.

#2 Prostitute

When we see the word prostitute we think of selling ourselves. This is just what this archetype is all about. We all have this archetype in our matrix programming. In some area of your life you are selling yourself. Our job is to find out where in this reality are we selling ourselves short. Where are you going against your integrity to make money, to be noticed, survive, or to get ahead in life?

This may be your creativity you are selling. You may be selling your ideas. Maybe your talents are the ones being sold. Sometimes you feel like you don't have a choice in the matter. Perhaps your on a street corner playing music so you can eat. Maybe your a stripper that would rather make great money then work at a store. Maybe you married rich to someone you hate. Maybe you paint and sell your paintings for cheap because you don't think you could get more for them. Maybe you work at a company that harms the Earth. Whatever you are doing to sell your integrity start to change it. Subconsciously this is making your self respect and self esteem go way down.

#3 Gemini

Strengths- affectionate, gentle, curious, adaptable, quick learning, quick exchange of ideas, expressive, quick witted, sociable, open mind, inquisitive, innocence

Weakness- indecisive, nervous, two personalities in one, can suddenly get serious, restless, sometimes makes shape turns in life and leave partners behind, needs strong grounding to keep money in check

Earth Tara Relationship (overview)

In spiritual works you may have come across the name Tara for Earth. These works say Tara is a higher dimensional aspect of Earth. While this is true in part it is also true of our whole solar system...

To fully understand we need to go back 550 million years. It starts on Tara which is a planet in harmonic universe 2 (4th, 5th, 6th dimensions). It's an age old story of good guys (service to others) and bad guys (service to self). The bad guys blow up some power generator crystals deep within Tara. This caused the planetary grid to blow up fragmenting and detaching from the morphogenetic field of Tara. Needless to say this cause a lot of damage to Tara and it took 10,000 years for the planet to stabilize. Because of this Tara cannot ascend into harmonic universe 3 (7th, 8th, 9th dimensions) and merge there with its counterpart Gaia.

The fragmented parts of Tara were pulled into the sun of Tara's universe. They then vaporized and the morphogenetic field pieces fell in vibration to low vibrational densities in harmonic universe 1 (1st, 2nd 3rd dimensions). They were now a gas and in 12 pieces this is the start of our solar system. Which is a mini solar system within an existing solar system. 1 fragment fused with our sun, the others formed the plants we know today, Maldek (now the asteroid belt), and Nibiru.

These planets each have portal links to Tara in which fragmented souls from Tara can ascend back to once they have integrated aspects, activated DNA, and removed blocking seals (more on this later). The planets themselves need to ascend and merge with Tara. Once all pieces are back to Tara she may once again work towards ascension to merge with Gaia.