I am an Energy Healer. My passion is to gather information and teach others to heal themselves.
Antarian Healing Oracle
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Ascension- consciousness stages
After changing my whole mission in this lifetime I was guided through amazing synchronicity to slow things down in my sharing with you guys. For a long while I was on this crazy fast remembering stream of consciousness. I couldn't possibly write about it all. Now I have the time to go back and share some basic concepts. This post will be about the stages of consciousness and psychological evaluation. There are 7 stages to each.
The first 3 stages of consciousness are known to all humans (unless they are in a comma). They are waking consciousness, deep sleep consciousness, and dreaming consciousness (even if you don't remember your dreams you still dream). In these 3 stages of consciousness we experience the first 3 stages of psychological evaluation.
1. Surviving and basic world navigation. Eating, sleeping, getting basic needs cared for.
2. Confirming to social norms of parents. Navigating through the standards set by parents and caretakers.
3. Differentiating between parents, peers, and authority standards. Navigating life trying to make everyone happy.
In times past this was where the psychological evolution stopped. You finished school, got married, got a job, had kids, and was swimming in debt. That was life until you hit retirement and had time to actually explore life. By this time you were so set in your was that most doors of consciousness were closed to you. Now days with all the chemicals in everything you will be lucky to make it that far and still be healthy enough to do anything you want. Good news though, if you are reading this you are questioning or starting to question life. Perhaps there is more to life you move on to stage 4.
4. Individuating youself. Looking beyond the social norms. Trying to find yourself.
With the day and age we live in meditation is very popular. So at this stage if psychological evaluation you will likely find yourself in the 4th stage of consciousness as well. This is the transcendental conscious. The inner silence of the mind and senses (meditation). This stage of consciousness may be as far as some go through the rest of the psychological evaluation stages. Only evolving on a basic ego level. This is ok, but I think you want more.
The rest of the consciousness stages:
5. Cosmic consciousness- expanded level of transcendental consciousness. You take the stillness of the moments of meditation and expand it to everyday life. Letting go of the ego. Seeing the illusions of the matrix. Becoming the true self... the higher self.
6. God consciousness- fully open heart at this point. Love is your vibration. Seeing the purpose of the illusions of the matrix. Seeing the purpose of the matrix.
7. Unity consciousness- oneness of all. You are all and all is you. Duality fades form your world. No more separation between you and anything.
Now let's finish the psychological evaluation stages and see how they can expand:
5. Self-actualization- the questioning of self. Who am I? Why am I here? Finding your purpose. On a 3d level this looks like: am I a banker? Or am I more drawn to health care? On a higher expanded level this may be a healer, extra-sensory talents, soul orgins, past lives...
6. Integration- making changes in your life to become the you you know you are. This may be on a 3d level a job change to health care from a banker. On an expanded level search of healing systems and techniques, the use of light language, channeling...
7. Service- giving back to the world. Now you know what you want to do in life and who you are. You go out and assist the world with your talents. On a 3d level you may go to non profit places and help with others health. You may help the homeless with health needs. On an expanded level you would give away healing for free. You may teach others what you have learned. You may send healing to parts of the world or universe.
Explore yourself deeply and find where you are and where you want to go in the stages of consciousness and psychological evaluation. Remember sometimes the 3d life doesn't match up with the extended life right away. I am a caregiver for the elderly on the 3d side. I love it and know this is where I should be. On the expanded side I am a mind opener a way shower through my art, healing, and writing. At this point in humanity consciousness the two do not mix. Find what feels right to you.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Ascension- choices
On this planet within this universe we have freewill. This is how we got in this pickle in this first place. Stuck in a reality that is so controlled. Program after program flooding in on us. So many tricks and dead ends that no one knows what way is right. In all honesty no way is right and no way is wrong. The soul sees only experience. We chose this reality either on a soul level or by our conscious actions. Our actions are not fully conscious sometimes we only see part of the picture, sometimes the whole picture, and sometimes none. No matter what part of the picture you see or what you choose this is only experience to the soul.
There is this ever growing feeling of rush to evolve and ascend. If you ascend to the 5th dimension you are the winner. What we are forgetting is this is not a race. This illusion of the race has created more fear. Fear is what the controllers want. Fear keeps you locked in the 3rd dimension. Be you and go at your pace. You have freewill and can choose to ascend or you can choose to not. There is still much work to do here and the ones struggling need help to see the truth and the way to the light.
I personally made this choice. Although not fully conscious of all the pieces of the puzzle at the time. When I married not to long ago I had a choice to change my last name or not. I knew this change would change my vibration. I knew I would take on new karma and goals. I didn't do my soul contract reading of the new name because this was a choice of the heart not of the mind.
I struggled to find what was right for my path. Both felt right. But one side pulled my heart strings more. I changed my name. The day I made this decision a wall came down around me. I felt stuck in the 3rd dimension and my world was starting to spirl downward in vibration. I was being swallowed by the matrix. It was harder and harder to get out.
At what I would call my rock bottom last week I started a search for answers. I connected to my soul and asked what was happening and how I could change.
I seen my new name before me. I seen a page go over another page. I knew my name change had changed my path. I knew I was to now be in service to all here. To continue the lightworker battle. To show the way to those who cannot yet see. This has become my passion and my new soul destiny.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Ascension- dreams
Most nights since my awakening started my dreams are not actually dreams. I am experiencing different timelines and lifetimes of my soul. This started off just every once in awhile and over the years has increased to almost everytime I "dream", but not every night. I didn't just start off doing this my consciousness seemed to slowly increase over the years.
In the beginning came an increase of lucid dreaming. The ability to control your dreams consciously. Now I have always done this, but it did become less and less after life got busy with kids and work. Whenever I had lucid dreamt it was not as fun as one may think. I changed the ending of dreams or organized a room. I was conscious enough to know I was dreaming, but not conscious enough to think of going on amazing adventures.
After the lucid dreaming increased I had a long period of conscious sleeping. This is not fun at all. I am asleep I feel my body asleep I hear/feel a slight snore from my body, but I cannot move. I cannot wake up or dream. I am fully aware of everything going on in my room and house. I can feel my husband move and snore. At frist I would meditate in hopes I would fully fall asleep, but that never happened. At some point around 3-5am I would fall fully asleep only to awaken right away. These nights felt so long. I never felt like I slept.
The third stage the one I am in now is timeline and lifetime jumping. In my sleep I am aware if myself in different timelines and lifetimes. I have been aboard many spaceships and on many amazing planets. My skin has had many shapes, colors, and textures. Now the different timelines get a bit tricky. Im never sure what one I'm going to stay in. These timelines are often very close to mine.
For example this morning I woke up at 2:22am. Went to the bathroom and proceed to be awake until my alarm sounded right before 5am. The thing is I know I was jumping between a few timelines. They all fit into each other so nicely. I'm not sure if I was asleep or awake in this timeline. In one timeline at about 4ish my sister came into my room looking for work clothes. In this timeline she doesn't work today I do. In another about the same time my husband decided to talk my ear off until my alarm sounded. In this timeline he knows that would not end well. And yet another my shower had 2 doors you had to open to get into it and I was wearing 2 set of socks. In this timeline I was wearing one set of socks and my shower has one door.
All of these timelines I had the memories of just that timeline. I had thoughts for just that timeline. When I actually dream I do not have memories or thoughts. When I start to I am lucid dreaming and can affect what I see. What happened early this morning and often was no dream.
Normally when I awaken from a night like this I cannot hold on to the other lives for long. It just fades away as I start my day with kids. Today was a work day so I was able to have time on my drive to think about and remember what had happened. Nothing exciting, but interesting as the same.
Friday, June 1, 2018
High Heart Chakra
Between the throat and heart chakras is a chakra called the high heart chakra. This energy center pulls energy from both the heart and throat chakras. Taking the knowing and manifesting ability of the throat center and the love of the heart center. This creates the ability to see, know, feel your purpose. With your purpose now known you can step into service to others work.
The high heart is able to be accessed through higher spiritual levels. Which we are all moving towards this. It has a strong link to the divine and god source. Opening the door to the 5th dimension. This is normally done through inner healing work. At this point in time we are all being shown what needs to be healed through what is coming up in our lives. Through this heal the high heart will open.
Dreams are more open for you to explore and gain wisdom form when the high heart is open. You are in a state of unconditional for all. When the high heart is blocked there is a tendency to ignore others feeling and needs. There is a rejection to spirit and spiritual things. It is very hard to express your emotions though you can still feel them.
One job of the high heart is to regulate how much energy is coming in from the higher chakras. It assist in the integration of energies. With this center being at the location of the thymus glad (the immune system's house) it explains why when we are integrating energies either higher or lower we get a cold or flu. This chakra when clearing old energies away will push extra higher energy through the immune system causing us to be sick. This in turn causes us to slow down and rest more so the body can adjust to the new energy. This clears all energy channels and causes a purging of negative energy. To us in the physical this looks like being sick. When we have aches and pains the energy is stuck and building up. Often times this is caused by a lack of integration. We are holding on to energy (memories, patterns, pain...) that no longer serve us. LET GO!!!
The element for the high heart chakra is fire. There are many colors for this chakra being pink, bright white, turquoise, and megenta. Adding this chakra to your routine with the other chakra will start the process of awakening to your purpose. A fast routine is to see the colors of the chakras light up in order root (red), sacral (orange), solar plexus (yellow), heart (green), high heart (one color above), Throat (blue), third eye (indigo), crown (violet). To clear them see the all spinning counter clockwise. To bring energy in spin them clockwise.
Using this grid will assist you in living in unconditional love. It will help in opening the high heart. Meditate on, hold hand over, look at, place under pillow.
Bully Archetype Integration
The bully archetype is much more then being bullied by others. This is an archetype is about always facing life events that seem much bigger then we are. It is about feeling like life is always pushing you down. When we go through the dark night of the soul during our awakening we find this archetype playing a big role. It seems at every turn we are being pushed to our limits. It feels like life is just trying to keep us down, like the whole world is against us. You are stuck in a one step forward and 10 steps back cycle.
The key is to notice this is happening and to keep going. I know it is hard, but trust me you can find your way out. The trick is to find your passion, the one thing you love to do and do it. If you focus on this one this you love and spend your free time doing it you will find your way out without even realizing it. One day you will just notice life is getting better. At this point you can practice being thankful. Be thankful for every small good thing. This will bring on more good things.
The main thing during this time is not to run from your problems, but face them in a new way. For me it was healing others. Through the healing of others I found my healing. For you it may be painting, singing, talking to others, writing... whatever it is it will help you. This is what the bully archetype is trying to do is make you heal. Life situations will come to you forcing you to heal deep wounds that you have been pushing down for a long time. You either face these things and heal them or deal with them coming back over and over again.
The grid will help you in integrating the wounds that need to be healed. This grid allows you to see what the bully archetype is trying to show you. Meditate on it, put in in your pocket, hold your hand over it, look at it, crystal grid with it, energy heal with it.
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