"My oldest needing my help. But I am taking on his anger and trying to contain it. In fighting his demons for him I am hurting him and hurting myself too."
After dropping of my kids at school I was trying to wrap my head around what I am supposed to do. My dreams always tell me the issue, but never how to solve it. Thankfully my intuition and guides are becoming louder. My oldest son was in need of help, I knew that! After some thought I was taking on his anger, as an empath I do that. I am trying to heal his anger and in doing so I was hurting us both. I was seeing the issue in him when in reality it is in both of us. I received a download of information that said:
"Our kids are an outward manifestation of our shadow sides. In order to see certain aspects in others we have to be a vibrational match to it. This means somewhere in us we have those aspects. Our kids come out with aspects that we have repressed to the point that they are now shadows (see more on shadow here). This is the universe and you soul saying we need to love this aspect unconditionally. Is it becoming clear yet on why parents and kids fight so much?"
I will give you some examples with my kids and I. My oldest has the anger struggles to the point of being very destructive. I try to be a mellow person and am very passive aggressive. Have I always been this way yes, but back in my pre-kid party days I would drink and if someone made me mad I was like Hulk, very destructive. I have never allowed my anger to get the better of me unless I was drunk. When you drink your true shadow self comes out.
My other son is very sensitive to energy. He picks up on the energy of what you say and do. He gets very overwhelmed a lot because of this. I have always been an empath and when I was little I saw auras. I slowly rejected this side of me to where I couldn't tell others feelings from my own. I did this because my dad wanted me to be normal so kids wouldn't make fun of me. Just within the last 4 years I have started working on controlling this.
So what are we supposed to do then? We have to show our kids that this side of them is loved unconditionally. And more importantly you need to see this side in you and love it unconditionally. Once you heal and integrate your aspects they will heal and integrate within your child some. They still came into this reality with those aspects because they have karma and lessons also. In my case I am embracing the empath side and seeing auras again. My sensitive son is gaining more control now. I also share techniques with him like grounding and Reiki (he is New Usui Reiki level 2 now). Ok so that was easy to help him. With my older son I am starting to notice my anger more and trying to express it in a healthy way instead of being passive. In the mean time I am trying to just do as I said before and hold a space for him of unconditional love. This is harder in this fast pace life. I must stop everything and go to him before a full blow destructive temper happens. But during the times I can do this in time he recovers fast with out things or people being damaged.