Antarian Healing Oracle

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Making Crystal Water

Science of Crystal Water

Basically crystal water is the energy pattern of the crystal imprinting into the auric and biophysical matrix of the water. If you have worked with crystals you will know that each type of crystal has its own metaphysical properties. Like clear quartz is a master stone and can be programmed to do anything.

Crystals have a structure called lattice. This is the organization of molecules in a pattern. This pattern affects the way the crystal grows. This affects the way it absorbs, focuses, and amplifies universal energies. Other things like shape and color affects the energy patterns and metaphysical properties as well. But color energy information enters the body through the optic nerve so in crystal water this is received on a molecular level.

The vibration of the crystals enter the waters auric field and since we are 60% water you can see how this water would affect us. But let's break this down a bit more. The brain and heart are about 73% water. The lungs are about 83% water. The skin is about 64% water. The muscles and kidneys are about 79% water. Even the bones are about 31% water. For babies the numbers are higher.

Making Crystal Water

Some crystals are toxic and some will dissolve in water. For those reasons I say do an indirect method by placing the crystals on the outside of a glass container. Or perhaps underneath. The water inside should be natural spring water or as close as you can get. I like to let the crystals sit about a day around the water out on the counter. If you are into working with the moon or sun you may choose to use that light to enhance your water depending on the type of water you are making. Do your research on crystals and what they are used for. Or get a few clear quartz which are good for everything.


The length of time it takes crystal water to be effective is dependent on how you choose to take the water. The most effective way is put the drops under you tongue. This way is almost instant. You may also mix the drops in a tablespoon of cold water and drink. This way may take up to 45 minutes since water is mostly absorbed through your large intestine.

The dosage is dependent on the vibration of the crystal. High energy crystals are red and orange. Normal energy crystals are yellows and greens. And calming energy crystals are blues and purples.
Normally the dosage would be:

  • high energy about 4 drops 2 times a day for 7-14 days. Take a 7 day break every 2 weeks.
  • normal energy about 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day up to 30 days. Take a 7 day break every 30 days.
  • calming energy 6-8 drops 3-4 times a day as needed. Not for extended use. Limit to every other day.

Crystal water can be used externally. This can assist in balancing the chakras or for diseases. The mixture dosage should be stronger. Use a tablespoon of water with the drops. A spray bottle is an amazing way to administer crystal water.

  • high energy 6-8 drops 2 times daily
  • normal energy 8-10 drops single use.
  • calming energy 10 drops single use and limit to occasional use.

In the bath is a wonderful way to use crystal water. 10-20 minutes of bathing.

  • high energy 3-4 drops
  • normal energy 6-8 drops
  • calming energy 1-2 drops

Room Cleanse

Unwanted energy is everywhere use crystal water to cleanse the room of negativity. In a spray bottle use 4 drops of high energy crystal water to every tablespoon of water.

Small Room

Start by standing on outside of door spray inside to the right. Go to that spot and follow the wall to the right spraying. Doors and windows should be open. When you reach the door you are done. If you feel it is needed repeat.

Large Rooms

Use a spiral method. Start in the middle of the room spraying in a spiral to the outside. Doors and windows should be open.

Open Areas

You will need sage. Spray crystal water into smoke of sage as you move through the space.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Law of Request

One of the basic laws of life is the Law of Request. In a nut shell if you want help from the spiritual realm you need to ask for it. This includes angel, guides, ascended masters, and your higher self.

The spiritual realm is unable to interfere with your life without being asked to do so. They can however send you hints on what you should do based on you life plan you made before coming to this life. This is all because of the law of freewill. However if you were to get into am accident that is not on your path they can save you. Or if you were going to die and it wasn't you time. But if you opt out of this life in suicide that is your freewill. People who fail at suicide are the ones who met someone on the other side and was persuaded to come back.

Asking for help is wonderful and the spiritual realm wants you to ask, but they wont take you every step of the way. You are here to experience, learn, and grow as a soul. When you ask for help you must be open to receive it. It may come in a dream, vision, a person, you may hear it, an experience, or a feeling. It really depends on how you receive information.

I often ask for help with my son and his anger. I know this is his path and he is teaching me the true meaning of unconditional love. But with the guidance of the spiritual realm we have found ways to lessen the unpleasant experiences. This guidance pops up in odd places like a facebook post, an article, when I'm giving advice, or in my dreams. My dreams often offer the best insight to any situation I am going through. This has been the main from of communication for the spiritual realm for years. Now over the last few years I receive information in the form of thoughts and feelings.

A simple list to get you started with the archangels.

Archangel Ariel- assists in healing, protection, and nature.

Archangel Azreal- assists in making physical death comfortable. Helps as souls cross over. Also compassion, peace, transition, and comfort.

Archangel Chamnuel- assists in comfort, protection, and intervention in world events. Also helps find things that are lost and soulmates. Assists in strengthening relationships.

Archangel Gabriel- assists in child conception and adoption process. Purity, rebirth, creativity, prophecy, and purifying thoughts, body, and emotions.

Archangel Haniel- assists in natural waking, beauty, harmony, moon energy, clairvoyance, and grace.

Archangel Jophiel- assists in beautiful thoughts, manifestations, attract more beauty, illumination, wisdom, and perception.

Archangel Metatron- assists in children's affairs, unity, education, truth, and owning your power.

Archangel Michael - he had a hand in creating the universe. Assists in life purpose, career path, making changes, protection, and will assist in clearing spaces of negative energy. Call on him to put a protective circle around you.

Archangel Raphael - is a powerful healer of the physical body. Assists in healing mind, body, and soul.

Archangel Raziel- assists in understanding the secrets of the universe, increases ability to see, hear, and know divine guidance.

Archangel Sadalphon- him and his twin brother Metatron are the only archangels that were originally mortal men. He carries prayers to god.

Archangel Uriel- assists with natural disasters, visions, prophecy, spiritual understanding, and peace.

Archangel Zadkiel- assists in compassion for self, and release judgments.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Aura

The Science of the Aura

The electricity in the brain and nervous system create a magnetic field around the body. The heart also creates a magnetic field around the body that is stronger then the brain and nervous systems field. Human electricity is generated by chemical process in the nerve cells. Billions of nerve impulses pass through the brain and nervous system. A nerve impulse is an electrical wave that passes from one end of the nerve to the other.

This electromagnetic field of the body can be felt, seen, and even influenced by others. This field is seen as colors, patterns, dots, and lines around the body up to 5 feet away. Though this really depends on how the person is feeling and their health. This distance can also be consciously controlled. Which I highly recommend to empaths. Empaths pick up on others emotions through the aura. Keeping your aura close can help regulate what your picking up. Also cleansing the aura is recommended. There are many sites out there that can show you how to cleanse the aura. Another handy trick is to use your aura to alter others moods.
Alter Another's Mood

When someone is in a low vibration around you stop and take a moment to relax. Put your hand over your heart center. This helps you focus your breath into your heart center. Breath deep and close your eyes. See something, someone, or somewhere you love. Hold this image or images (I play a slideshow mixture of things, people, and places I love). Soon you will feel your mood changed to love. In order for this next step to work you must maintain the dominate vibration. Make sure you have a firm hold of the love vibration. Now move into their field. Remember most fields can be 5 feet but lower vibrations will bring the aura closer to the body. Get as close to them as you can and try to extend your aura around them. This will be pretty simple since higher vibrations like love are naturally expanding to the aura. Just see your aura around them. Now one of two things will happen you will successfully alter the mood or since we all have freewill they will leave the room.

I actually stumbled across this on accident one day after meditating. I had a high vibration and he had a low one. Normally he has a dominant vibration, but this day I was feeling on top of the world. I walk into the kitchen and went about my business. He soon left the house. Later I found out he thought I was mad at him. I explained I was in a perfect mood. I thought on it and came to the conclusion that I have read about this before. That I had kept the dominate vibration finally. Now when I think of it I use it on my son that has behavior and anger problems. If I can keep from absorbing his anger and hold the dominate vibration his mood alters.

Aura Major Levels

We will start from the outside and work our way in.

  • Archetype- contains the map of our destiny, lessons we must learn, and things we must do.
  • Spiritual - this is our transcendent nature in our psychological, social, and physical realities. It reacts to and reflects the balance of all levels. The balancing of energy moves through the chakras and levels as a process of breathing. Every level acts as a conduit for spiritual energies. The more balanced the aura the more the spiritual level becomes more evident.
  • Mental- This is where we construct our relationships to our destiny, karma, and inner life. It reflects our beliefs, concepts, and attitudes. Mental illness is reflected in this level.
  • Emotional - Reflects our feelings and emotional reactions and actions. It registers our fulfillment, longs for peace, our warmth, and devotion.
  • Imaginal- This is where we can create and transform our circumstances. Intention, positive self-image, visual learning, healing, and manifestation are all generated and reflected at this level. Also delusions and obsession are generated and reflected at this level.
  • Etheric- This is a blueprint for the physical body. It creates and maintains the bodies form. Chakras appear in this formation. It is described in chi-gung as meridians that transmit chi to the body. The aura balance and alignment affect the meridians and the functioning of them. If the etheric is blocked or out of balance the physical body will reflect this. The meridians interact with the organs and the chakras interact with the endocrine system and nerves.
  • Physical - Reflects physical trauma, cell memory, physical health, psychological beliefs, and emotions.

I will not go into detail on  how to see the aura because there are a million sites to tell you how to do this. I will however leave you my favorite site link.